Funny you should say that.  I've done the same thing!  I had some
hassles trying to upgrade, and thought to myself "Well, screw it.  I'll
just install Kubuntu for now and wait for 4.0.2 to come out."  And it
never did.  I still have faith, don't get me wrong, and I'm not the
kind of ass who would complain because smart people who are doing great
work for free aren't pandering to me enough, but yeah.  I'm kinda
sitting on my hands here, too.


On Thu, 2019-10-31 at 15:01 +0000, Claudia wrote:
> re: 
> So as I understand, there were two problems with rc1. Bug #5149,
> which 
> was closed as resolved three days ago. And an unknown "pending
> security 
> issue".
> Where can we find more info on this pending security issue? I don't
> see 
> a QSB around the time that message was posted (Sept 2 2019).
> Are there any updates regarding the release of rc2? And, is there
> any 
> way we can track its progress? Github doesn't seem to have
> milestones 
> for point releases, much less rc's.
> According to the Qubes release schedule, exactly five weeks after an
> rc 
> comes out, either another rc or a stable should follow. Seeing as
> how 
> rc1 was announced July 9, it would seem we're long overdue.
> The reason I ask is because I ran into problems bringing 4.0.1 up to 
> date, but I thought "oh well, by the time I get this figured out, 
> 4.0.2(-rc2, at least) will be out anyways. Might as well wait and
> start 
> fresh." But now nearly 4 months later, here we sit.
> I appreciate all the hard work that goes into every release. Just
> asking 
> if there are any status updates, that's all.
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