> With all due respect, the answer you provided is quite as vauge as usual. I 
> think alot of us are waiting to learn the new Qubes 4.0. I for one have been 
> holding off for quite some time now because of finding out about Qubes and 
> hearing there may be substantial changes to Qubes in the upcoming release. 
> Speaking for myself I would like to know the status of development? Is it at 
> 32%, 50%, or further along than we are allowed to know? I believe in the 
> mission yet left feeling like we as the users are being treated like how 
> mushrooms grow. Please keep us informed more. Thanks to Qubes developers for 
> trying there best

So why wait? Start with 3.2. I don't see the big deal here. For every software 
package there is always some next great release in the air. 

Unless your implementing something you have implemented a thousand times (say 
deploying some piece of ERP software) any form of estimate, time, % done, etc. 
will always be a lie because you simply can't tell.

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