On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 3:10:17 PM UTC-4, habib.b...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a brand new Lenovo t450s I just bought for the purpose of installing 
> qubes onto it and I have thoroughly followed all the instructions
> Iam using a USB device which I used Rufus to instal the ISO image in DD mode 
> and then I went into xen.cfg and did exactly as instructions stated to add 
> mapbs=1
> noexitboot=1
> To each kernel but it keeps getting stuck in boot loop
> Someone please help
> Thanks

I have exactly the same problem with a Lenovo T450.  After I set parameters in 
the BIOS screen per


Qubes version 3.1 installed fine, but cannot wake up laptop after suspend.  
Tried to install Qubes 3.2 to fix this, but got stuck in UEFI loop same as post 
above while using USB memory stick for install.  I tried to follow the 
workaround described at this link:


but there is no chainloader command I can find in the Qubes install menus.  
Please help.

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