Hello Ilpo,

amazing, thank you for the quick tip!
I was able to get exactly what I was looking for (see attached screenshot)

I can now get my summarized RAM usage via:
[USER@dom0 ~] xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ - | bc

as such I have edited my /usr/bin/qubes-i3status to add the RAM usage to my 
status bar near the "running qubes section"

status_qubes() {
    # Output in Status bar, ex: 6 Qubes using 15.050 MB RAM
    local sum_ram="("$(xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ 
    local sum_ram=$(bc <<< "scale=3;$sum_ram")"MB"
    local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep ' \* ' | wc -l)
    json qubes "$qubes Qubes using $sum_ram RAM"

or if you want to have the output as with "15.0G" instead of "15.050MB":

status_qubes() {
    # Output in Status bar, ex: 6 Qubes using 15.0G RAM
    local sum_ram="("$(xl list | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n +2 | paste -s -d+ 
    local sum_ram=$(bc <<< "scale=1;$sum_ram")"G"
    local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep ' \* ' | wc -l)
    json qubes "$qubes Qubes using $sum_ram RAM"

Maybe someone more skilled can write a subroutine in qubes-i3status so that it 
can be enabled or disabled by the user like with all other party in the main() 


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