Hello qubes-users,
Qubes 4.0.2 fully updated, fedora 30 minimal templates, fully updated. No issues munting USB devices on VMs where the template has qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root installed, so sys-usb is not suspected.
I would like to be able to mount USB drives on appVMs where the template does not have passwordless root installed. Polkit is installed. After attaching the drive to the VM using qvm-block, polkit provides an error, that it is unauthorized. The target VM does have qubes-usb-proxy installed.
It seems to be a polkit configuration issue, but I have had no success when sorting through what I could find on the internet. Does anyone here have experience with modifying polkit to allow it?
Installing passwordless root is not an option on this template. Once I'm able to mount usb devices, I intend to harden the VM using tasket's qubes-vm-hardening, and not installing passwordless root is a requirement.

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