Hello, I'm a three month newbie to qubes and am attempting to make an Oracle 
templateVM and various oracle-related AppVMs. The template would be of 
(possibly) solaris or oracle-linux as an environment for all Oracle 
applications such as oracle db 12.c, netbeans, sql developer, jdk, jre, etc. 
The appVMs would separate as like for SQL dev, java dev, db server, etc, on 
their own netVM. I want to do this both for personal use and learning on my 
2.7GHz i7 8GB laptop for the proof-of-concept..

My hope is that an oracle os would come with proper repo/package signature 
enforcement while also providing a low-fuss and unifying environment for the 
various isolated appvms used for domain segregation between apps and 
server/client roles.

I'm leaning towards an hvm template of either oracle-linux or solaris. My 
thought is that the template should be a minimally-maintained environment for 
oracle apps, and could be installed from either iso, an *.ovm conversion 
through qemu, or from an oracle repo.

An obstacle I face is that my https connections to oracle servers are sometimes 
invalid for the ssl certificate. If I were to install to a fedora or debian 
template, I think that I would need to download/install the oracle packages 
from the browser while live on the template, breaking isolation. If I knew 
whether oracle's rpm repo was compatible to qubes (i.e. void of dependency 
conflicts to qubes packages and such), I could probably just add it to fedora 
template's dnf repo list, and try to figure out a white-list for oracle ip's.. 
but that somehow seems unclean.. should I not think that I won't want a server 
config on default template environments? would it be optimal

However I'm curious about a few things, such as the cpu/mem or work flow costs 
for using a default templateVM or a clone vs a standaloneVM or hvm template...  
For example, I would be concerned that, if I were to keep an oracledb vm 
running as a server (using whatever qubes best-practice paradigm for this 
purpose), then the impact for developing against it and subsequently running 
queries from other various vms on that virtual network might make the machine 

Can anyone provide advise on why I should prefer one approach over the other 
for creating this oracle template?

Thank you in advance!

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