I have used Qubes 3.2 in the past with Windows HVM without any problems.
I setup my Windows Standalone but having issues getting the system to boot with 
the iso. It is not even getting to the boot screen.

When I start with the iso I get the error msg:
Got empty response from qubesd. See journalctl in dom0 for details.

Any advice how to troubleshoot this? I copied part of the log file below and 
hope this can help. I am just not savy enough to understand the details.

Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 989, in render
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     return 
self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 754, in 
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/_compat.py", line 37, in reraise
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     raise value.with_traceback(tb)
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/share/qubes/templates/libvirt/xen.xml", line 93, in top-level template 
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     {% block devices %}
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/share/qubes/templates/libvirt/xen.xml", line 135, in block "devices"
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     {% include 'libvirt/devices/block.xml' 
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:   File 
"/usr/share/qubes/templates/libvirt/devices/block.xml", line 3, in top-level 
template code
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]:     <source dev="{{ device.device_node }}" 
Dec 24 16:35:19 dom0 qubesd[13425]: jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 
'qubes.devices.UnknownDevice object' has no attribute 'device_node'
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.daemon.algo[13453]: 
total_mem_pref=2502710144.0, total_available_
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: stat: dom '0' act=6837416528 
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: stat: dom '7' act=3977183232 
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: stat: dom '9' act=2241183744 
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: stat: dom '3' act=1879252992 
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: stat: xenfree=700656390 
memset_reqs=[('9', 2137900888), ('0', 7412734221), ('3', 2043839662)]
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: mem-set domain 9 to 2137900888
Dec 24 16:35:41 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: mem-set domain 0 to 7412734221
Dec 24 16:35:42 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: dom '9' didnt react to memory 
request (holds 2241183744, requested balloon down to 2137900888)
Dec 24 16:35:42 dom0 qmemman.systemstate[13453]: mem-set domain 3 to 1952162889

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