I have for years done my development work using dedicated AppVMs that run 
podman (https://podman.io/) containers based on images from bioconductor 
(https://bioconductor.org/help/docker/) for project isolation and 
reproducibility - images are pushed on a per project basis into the registry of 
the gitlab instance I use.

The containers run a server instance of posit's RStudio IDE 
(https://posit.co/products/open-source/rstudio-server) and are started mapping 
a local (AppVM) port to the corresponding container port (8787, both). In the 
AppVM, a browser is then pointed at localhost:8787 to access the IDE and work 
in the container.

After upgrading to QubesOS 4.2 I appear no longer able to operate like that. 
Containers start just fine, but the browser cannot connect to the IDE.
Is this a result of the new firewall engine? How to fix it? How to debug?

Thank you for any pointers?

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