On Saturday, 27 August 2016 07:23:33 UTC+10, angelo "angico" costa  wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I'm experiencing some weird network access issues. I'm using Qubes 3.1.
> After logging in to the system, sys-net, sys-firewall and sys-whonix start as 
> expected, and network access is normally available. I can use apps such as 
> OwnCloud, qBittorrent, Firefox and others to connect to several internet 
> services and they all work fine. But suddenly, and I just cannot specify 
> when, the apps start to fail connecting. One such app that most catches my 
> attention with respect to the problem is OwnCloud, which reports connection 
> failure -- though other devices such as an Android tablet or even another 
> notebook running Debian, tell me Internet access is absolutely normal, 
> including access to my OwnCloud server.
> I've already tried restarting the VMs related to network connection -- 
> sys-net and sys-firewall -- but the problem persists, and it's happening with 
> two different notebooks -- an Acer Aspire with Intel Core i7, 10GB RAM, 1TB 
> HD and an unbranded one with equal CPU. 8GB RAM, and 640GB HD.
> Does anybody have experienced such issues? Does anybody have any hint on what 
> may be the cause of those issues and on how I can solve them?
> TIA and best regards to you all,
> Angico.

According to what you are saying it sounds like it's not an issue with Qubes, 
but with your connection.

You say you have the issue from Android Tablet, a Notebook running Debian, and 
your Qubes PC.

If not all 3 are running Qubes, then it isn't a Qubes issue.

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