Hint: might be slightly off-topic (except Question 1)


I am currently "harding" my Email-AppVM by adding additional firewall rules 
and using this opportunity to "play" with some tools like
- rkhunter
- clamav
- lynis
- ...

I am unsure if this is really needed in Qubes, but for me it is also about 
learning more about those tools.

I have some questions regarding which might be answered by the 
security-professionals here.

1) If I choose to install an IDS like AIDE, should it be installed in the
   Template or AppVM ? As AppVM can't change critical system files, the
   Template VM might the better solution?

2) AIDE specific, but I couldn't solve it after googling for a while:
   everytime I run AIDE I get the following warning:

   [user@my-privmail bin]$ sudo aide --check
   DBG: md_enable: algorithm 7 not available

   It seems that this means that some algorithm is missing, but I don't know how
   to install it afterwards or disable the use of it.
   In an older topic I found the hint that it might be related to HAVAL which
   is a hashing algorithm.
   But looking into my AIDE config file it seems that I am not using haval at 

   Any ideas?

3) I run lynis and got some suggestion for improvements
   Running it on my customized fedora-26-min template (added some apps for 
   I got the following result:

      Lynis security scan details:
      Hardening index : 73 [##############      ]

   Question: is someone using lynis on Qubes and can give some feedback about 



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