Re: [qubes-users] updateVM not setup error when trying to get whonix templates

2017-03-25 Thread nazzaroth . youtube
well as far as i can tell from the hcl my pc should be able to run qubes, its 
not specifically mentioned but realativly close machines to mine
are listed as working.

and when i opened the qrexec log from the fedora 23 templatevm it showed me 

domain dead
cannot connect to qrexec agent: No such process

hope this gives you an idea whats wrong with my system. parallel to that i will 
install qubes r3.1 on another stick and try the config setup
there and if it works there ill try to update it to 3.2. maybe that roundabout 
way will work. heres hoping XD

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Re: [qubes-users] updateVM not setup error when trying to get whonix templates

2017-03-24 Thread nazzaroth . youtube

thanks for the tips.
I followed everything you said, first time it didnt work cause i got an error 
every time i started sys-net with ethernet controller added.
Then i guess i messed up somehow cause at some point qubes stoped to boot 
again. well after a complete fresh reinstall i could start sys-net
without a problem with controller added.

but after a while an error message pops up saying: cannot execute qrexec-daemon
the same error happens with sys-firewall.

but you can see both vms working and using some cpu from time to time. also now 
messages of update pending show up on templatevms from fedora and
debian. but when i start the update after a while the same error shows up 
again: cannot execute qrexec-daemon

so i looked around a bit, i guess qrexec-daemon is a programm i need for 
updating to work? and i have to reinstall it? i have a link to some repository 
but i dont really now how to use that to install anything (first time i deal 
with a linux system)
link is this:

hope anyone can help me with this new problem :)

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[qubes-users] updateVM not setup error when trying to get whonix templates

2017-03-23 Thread nazzaroth . youtube
Hello everyone

Originally while i installed Qubes for the first time i had a problem 
configuring it. I had the standard choices and also whonix templates set but 
while the setup configured qubes at some point it always stoped working. I 
think it was something like "Qubes Configuration Setup" and the little bar that 
goes left to right stopped moving.

i tried different choices but this problem persisted. so in the end i tried the 
no configuration (advanced user) option. it indeed helped me to get to the 
desktop of qubes, but ofc now i have the problem of no preconfiguration and i 
certainly aint an advanced user.

i tried to install whonix the way its written in the docs, but when i try to 
update the template vms i get the error "updateVM not setup, exiting". i would 
guess cause i have no vms configured not even sysnet or sysfirewall.

is it complicated to config qubes yourself? i'd be glad about any instructions 
on that front.
or if its possible to go back to the initial configuration setup and then fix 
the bug of the setup stopping in the middle i would ofc do that too.

thanks everyone for reading and helping me :)

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