Hello everybody. Just some setup information.

As a quite unexperienced, unprofessional linux user (18 months) I
switched over to wonderful Qubes about a week ago. This is hard work, to
be honest, but I like it.

A very similar machine is already on the list: https://www.qubes-os.org/hcl/

Everything seems to work fine – no extreme-tuning yet, intense video
testing, very special key combinations etc.

Network printer Samsung SCX-4500 (printing via disposable VM), scanning
not tested
Asus wifi router RT-AC56U, Merlin, OpenVPN
Second display 21,5-inch Full HD (Mini DisplayPort)
Mouse and USB keyboard – I know ... (via sys-usb)

Minor issue: NetworkManager doesn't remember wifi password. Certainly my
fault somewhere.

MAC address anonymizing (macchanger, scripts, fedora 24, following
https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/anonymizing-your-mac-address/) killed
networking completely. Resetting the router was painful. Project

And here are the VMs and Templates, WIP, all set up following

sys-net : fed-24-mini-clone
sys-firewall : fed-24-mini-clone
sys-usb : fedora-24 as NetVM (will be switched over to fed-24-mini-clone)
internet : fedora-24
vault : fedora-24 : no NetVM, of course
personal : fedora-24 : no NetVM
work : fedora-24 : no NetVM
mail (with Split GPG): fedora-24 : just contacts mail provider
banking : fedora-24 : just contacts bank
fedora-24-disposable-dvm : fedora-24-disposable
offline-bitcoin : debian-8-backports
watching-bitcoin : debian-8-backports

Send all your Bitcoins. Now!;) https://www.qubes-os.org/donate/



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