How is everyone preventing Tor browser from loading any clearnet urls for 
anything? Is there is browser add-on? I want to keep my browser from trying to 
load anything that's a clearnet url to prevent from being outed by a 
compromised exit node. Accidents happen, and if I screwup and click on a 
clearnet link or something tries to load within a webpage that contains 
clearnet content, how do I mitigate this? 

Is this maybe the best answer?

Also, is it possible to prevent Tor from connecting to any relays in the United 
States? Will using the bridges as described in the link above also take care of 
that too? I've yet to configure any use bridges yet. 

Seems like the best config is qubes>sys-net>sys-firewall>sys-whonix-corridor 
w/obfs4 bridges>anon-whonix>tor browser>vpn add-on using socks5> 


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