Hi everyone, I'm trying to install Qubes OS from a USB drive (the installation 
media) to another USB drive. My computer is in UEFI mode. When I boot from the 
installation media, the GRUB CLI "grub >" starts and I'm not sure what to do 
from here. If I run `ls`, I see my main SSD with Windows installed "(hd0) 
(hd0,gpt5) (hd0,gpt4) (hd0,...)", but I do not see any other drives in this 

I want to be careful not to change anything on my internal SSD, which currently 
has my Windows installation. If I change my computer to legacy mode rather than 
UEFI, it boots from the installation media properly and I can install Qubes, 
but I'd prefer to use UEFI so I figured I'd ask here. I have read the UEFI 
Troubleshooting docs, but they don't seem relevant in this situation 

Since I'm not very familiar with GRUB, can anyone tell me why the installation 
media starts at the GRUB command line and maybe point me in the right direction?


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