I wasnt sure if this was a bug or what but it seemed odd to me that the error from one appvm showed up in a different appvm?

The in the destination appvm I have ondrive v2.4.2 running.
In the appvm where the error popped up I was trying to move a file, via qvm-move to the destination appvm where onedrive was running. The move process hung

qvm-move webinar\ video.mp4
sent 0/147315 KB
OneDrive generated an error when creating this path: Path/to/a/dir/I/tried/to/create

ERROR: OneDrive returned an error with the following message:
  Error Message: HTTP request returned status code 400 (Bad Request)
  Error Reason:  Resource not found for the segment 'children'.

For what its worth, I in the desination VM i was trying to save as a file from firefox and tried to create a directory to save the file in.

Anyway, if this sounds like nothing then feel free to ignore I jsut wanted to check.

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