Hi there,

I have a fresh install of Qubes 4r4.  However, when I reboot and or login I 
have to manually change dom0 time to UTC.

Impact: Whonix/Tor does not work because of the incorrect time.

Manual workaround:
1.  Get the correct UTC from a browser.
2.  Open Dom0 Terminal and update to UTC such as the following:
      sudo date --set "2018-02-13 21:30"

3. Shutdown Service:sys-whonix
4.  Restart a whonix domain such as Domain:anon-whonix(this restarts the 
sys-whonix service that was just shutdown.
5.  Then run WhonixCheck to make sure it works.  It usually does and Whonix/Tor 
is functional.

Qubes cannot be this bad, really.

How can I have this Date and time correctly updated on boot up?  Like it should.

Thanks for all your help.

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