On 9/13/19 4:29 PM, liked2-mmb7mzph...@public.gmane.org wrote:
> Hi
> seems that I scruwed up my vms. I've a script which creates, performs some 
> tasks and deletes afterwards some dvms. During debugging I seem to often 
> pressed CRTL+C so that probably some qubes script were interrupted. :(
> Now I'm getting the following error after creating a new DVM and trying to 
> start it:
> Start failed: operation failed: domain 'MyDVM' already exists with uuid 
> 63f9fc91-e16c-4f17-0f22-c1a2d1fbc5c5, see 
> /var/log/libvirt/libxl/libxl-driver.log for details
> The logs do not contain any details. Any ideas how I can fix it again? 
> Creating and deleting the DVM haven't helped.
> Thanks in advance, Pete

Could solve the issue by doing:
virsh -c xen:/// undefine MyDVM

Not sure whether it's clean now or some other parts are still left. But at 
least I can launch my vms again.

This issue helped for resolving:

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