I'm having trouble with a fedora-30 qube. 

The qube is HVM, and after a recent kernel upgrade, the ZFS module will no 
longer compile successfully. (Kernel 5.6.7-100.fc30) I still have two older 
working kernels with modules that I want to boot (5.5.8-100, & 5.4.18-100), 
but I'm unable to get grub2 to boot any kernel but the latest one. 

I've tried using a few ways to set the old kernel, but it the qube keeps 
coming up on 5.6.7 

Tried removing the latest kernel with dnf remove, but it still boots 5.6.7.
Tried deleting the img, config, and initramfs, system.map etc from boot, 
then running grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, no luck.
I set the desired kernel with grub2-set-default = "Fedora 
(5.5.8-100.fc30.x86_64) 30 (Thirty)" and confirming with grub2-editenv 
list, no good.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?


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