Trying to debug this; not something I use often but would be nice to figure it out. Under Linux Mint 19.1 (no noises please, it was convenient for troubleshooting), suspend "just works"- I close the lid, power light starts blinking off & on, opening lid resumes normally. Under Qubes 4.0.1, closing the lid acts like above, but resume hangs on a black screen and the CPU fan slowly spinning up to full speed. Holding down power button isn't enough to recover- although it will power off, when I power back on it's still stuck the same way. I have to pull the battery and power cable to get it to boot. I've tried:

- shutting down sys-net and sys-usb prior to suspend
- shutting down just sys-usb (since only those devices have no-strict-reset)
- adding mem_sleep_default=deep to kernel boot options
- adding mem_sleep_default=shallow to kernel boot options [resulted in only screen going to sleep but not coming back]
- adding acpi.ec_no_wakeup=1 to kernel boot options

Dmesg says "ACPI: (supports S0 S1 S3 S5)" and /sys/power/mem_sleep says "s2idle shallow [deep]". The last log lines before it enters suspend are:

dom0 systemd[1]: Starting Suspend...
dom0 systemd-sleep[3586]: Suspending system...
dom0 kernel: PM: suspend entry (deep)

Then nothing until I force a reset.

Any suggestions for a more intelligent way to troubleshoot? Logs or settings I can look at somewhere in Mint that would give me a hint how it's managing to successfully resume?

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