Re: [qubes-users] HCL - Acer-Predator G3 710

2022-03-13 Thread Sven Semmler

Thank you Mrsoft51 for your HCL report, which is 


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[qubes-users] HCL - Acer-Predator G3 710

2022-03-06 Thread 'Mrsoft51' via qubes-users
This machine probably isn't the most secure option since it doesn't seem to 
have a older PS/2 keyboard connector. Meaning a USB one must be used instead.
Secure boot has also been disabled in the BIOS.

Graphical display works fine.
XFCE4 Desktop works fine.
TemplateVMs, Appvms and Dispvms all function properly.
Wifi through sys-net connects fine.
Full Disk encryption works fine.
Audio works fine tested both HDMI output and Headphones.
HVMs work fine.
sys-usb was created after install and works fine.
sys-whonix works fine.
Microphone works fine.
Screen locking and unlocking from display turning off works fine.

BIOS lists TPM interface as being supported though I don't own one to test.

Not workingSystem suspend in the XFCE logout menu doesn't seem to boot back up 
properly just gives a black screen and keyboard and mouse don't seem to connect 
back up.

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