
Does anyone know what the /qubes-vm-type qubesdb key represents in R4 ? The documentation [1] says it's the same as the 'type' field in qvm-prefs, but there's no such field in R4. I thought it would be the 'klass' (sic) field but:

$ qvm-prefs sys-firewall klass

$ qubesdb-read -d sys-firewall /qubes-vm-type

$ qvm-prefs sys-firewall | grep -i proxy

Similarly sys-net's class ('klass') is AppVM but /qubes-vm-type is NetVM.

Am I missing something, or does R4 derives the /qubes-vm-type key dynamically from the way VM way VMs are "chained" together ? (if it's the latter I'll submit a PR to update the documentation).

[1] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vm-interface/

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