Nick <> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 23:16:57 +0000, jimp wrote:
>> Nick <> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> This performance is marginal for WSJTX.  I need 10ms offset or less
>>> after 15 minutes.
>> What make you think that?
>> I see a lot of WSJTX signals that are within +/- .5 seconds and
>> occasionally some over a second off and they still decode. Most seem to
>> be +/- .3 seconds.
>> We are talking about this aren't we:
> Yes we are.
> My spec was based only on experience using JT65B on HF using the old XP 
> box which easily syncs within 10ms, and on which decodes are rock solid.
> says...
> "You will need a method of setting your computer clock to an accuracy of 
> one second or better, and keeping it set. Many operators use an internet 
> clock-setting program, while others use a GPS or WWVB receiver."
> Thank you for helping me realise the extent of my own ignorance!
>> Though I agree ntp should be doing a lot better than you are seeing.
> Yes.  I'll keep digging.

FWIW, the largest offset I've seen WSJT-X decode is 3.5 seconds and lots
of DX stations are in the 1 to 2 second range.

BTW, if you are not using it, JT-utilities is very handy.

Jim Pennino

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