Hi All,

Is there a suggested way to rate-limit queries by broken clients?

Running an NTP Pool Server costs me $40/month in Amazon AWS Outbound Bandwidth 
(if you want the full scoop, read here: 
http://pivotallabs.com/ntp-server-costing-500year/ ).

I suspect that broken NTP clients are part of the problem (for example, 2 IP 
addresses in Puerto Rico query my server on the average 11.5 times per 
second--eliminating just those 2 would save me almost $1/month).

Are there any other techniques people have found to be helpful?  I like running 
a server for the NTP Pool, I just don't want to spend a lot of money doing it.



p.s. No, my server isn't being used in a reflection attack:  monlist is 
disabled, and the NTP traffic load is symmetric.

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