
On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 03:39:13PM +0000, Stephen Davies (sdavies) wrote:
>     Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to get qutebrowser to work with
> standalone Zotero? In Firefox and Chrome, I've been able to get a plugin-type
> deal where if you're on a website that has an academic citation, it can
> automatically find it, parse it, and create a Zotero item for it. I wonder if
> the same thing can be done in Zotero. I found this:
>     github.com/parchd-1/qutebrowser-zotero
>     but the script appears to expect something to be listening to local port
> 23119, and I don't know how to start such a thing.

Zotero standalone should apparently do that:


https://www.qutebrowser.org | m...@the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP)
   GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072 | https://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc
         I love long mails! | https://email.is-not-s.ms/

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