[Rd] Suggestion for the reproducibility of R home page figure

2009-11-20 Thread Jean lobry
Dear R-devel, googling for the single letter R yields R-home page as the firt hit, which is extremly nice. By clicking on the figure you get the code of the Winner of the R Homepage graphics competition 2004. By copy/pasting in your R console it doesn't work because it is impossible to install

[Rd] Wish for stripchart to handle pch %in% 21:25 with bg

2009-09-25 Thread Jean lobry
as to plot.default() and axis()). (Wish of PR#12202) A simple fix that works for me is to forward the argument ... to the function points() in graphics:::stripchart.default(), but I know nothing about potential side effects. Thanks for your amazing work, Pr. Jean Lobry -- Jean R. Lobry(lo

[Rd] whish stars.Rd

2009-05-04 Thread Jean lobry
Dear Rdev, in R 2.9.0 the doc of function stars() does not state that it returns invisibly the location of atomic graphs. This is a valuable information as it may help to set a value for the key.loc parameter of this function. My whish is just that the value section in stars.Rd should be

Re: [Rd] data(lh) time serie parameters

2008-03-31 Thread Jean lobry
It seems they are using 10 minutes as the unit of measurement. If you wish to change it to hours you might want to use this instead: lh.hr - ts(lh, start = 0, frequency = 6) so that cycle(lh.hr) starts out at 1. Dear Gabor, yes, it is very likely that the original dataset was with a

[Rd] data(lh) time serie parameters

2008-03-30 Thread Jean lobry
Dear all, I'm confused by the time serie parameters in data(lh) : sueoka:~ lobry$ R --vanilla --quiet tsp(lh) [1] 1 48 1 because documentation says: QUOTE A regular time series giving the luteinizing hormone in blood samples at 10 mins intervals from a human female, 48 samples. UNQUOTE So

Re: [Rd] Sweave processes \Sexpr in commented LaTeX source

2006-09-21 Thread Jean lobry
Marc, I have a large .Rnw file and was in the process of doing some debugging. I had set some R chunks to 'eval=false' in the process. This resulted in some R objects not being created that were in turn used in the subsequent \Sexpr's. I have often the same problem, I'm using a construct like :

[Rd] error message from help.search()

2006-06-02 Thread Jean lobry
Dear R-Devel, consider: [rufus:~] lobry% R --vanilla --quiet sessionInfo() Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0 attached base packages: [1] methods stats graphics grDevices utils datasets [7] base help.search(package = graphics, keyword = hplot)