Full_Name: Juhani Bonsdorff
Version: 2.8.0
OS: OS X Leopard 10.5.5
Submission from: (NULL) (

Installed the latest R.app (v1.26, R version 2.8.0) binary package from CRAN.
The GUI data editor crashes when applied to an empty data frame: entering

df <- edit(data.frame())

the editor opens with completely empty screen, i.e., without any column names.
Now trying to add column or row hangs the application. Sometimes the following
is written in the R Console just before the GUI hangs:

SET_VECTOR_ELT can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'NULL'.

On other occasions R hangs without any messages. In all cases force quit is the
only option to exit R.

The behaviour is not present with empty matrices: there the first default column
is visible and editor allows the addition of new rows as well as columns.

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