Full_Name: Bill Dunlap
Version: R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-07-26 r42329)
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

If a *.Rd file has an \alias{topic } with a space
between 'topic' and the closing '}' then the space
is copied to the help/AnIndex file and help(topic)
fails to find the help file.

E.g., if the help file starts with
   \alias{test1 }
   \alias{test3 }
then help(test1) and help(test4) work, but not
help(test1) or help(test3).

A possible fix is
--- share/perl/R/Rdlists.pm     (revision 42846)
+++ share/perl/R/Rdlists.pm     (working copy)
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
                $main::title2file{$rdtitle} = $manfilebase;

-           while($text =~ s/\\alias\{\s*(.*)\s*\}//){
+           while($text =~ s/\\alias\{\s*([^\s]*)\s*\}//){
                $alias = $1;
                $alias =~ s/\\%/%/g;
                if ($internal){

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