
This works fine and gives 26:

  setClass("A", representation(bidule="character"))
  setMethod("length", "A", function(x) length([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
  a <- new("A", bidule=letters)

But if my "length" method is broken, then str() stops working:

  > setMethod("length", "A", function(x) length([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
  > str(a)
  Error in length(object) :
    no slot of name "bidulle" for this object of class "A"

Doesn't seem like a big deal on such a simple example but this can be
really problematic. I already had the situation where the "length" method
is in fact very complicated, with a lot of nested calls and one access to
a database and an error occurring at a deep level. I noticed that my program
had a problem but I was not yet aware that "length" was broken. So I started
the debug session and tried to use str() to look inside my objects... but
str() was not working! Which makes a debugging session with a lot of S4 stuff
all around the place quite painful :-/


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