[Rd] R extension memory leak detection question

2021-03-12 Thread xiaoyan yu
I am writing C++ program based on R extensions and also try to test the program with google address sanitizer. I thought if I don't protect the variable from the allocation API such as Rf_allocVector, there will be a memory leak. However, the address sanitizer didn't report it. Is my

[Rd] trivial typo in src/library/base/man/pmatch.Rd

2021-03-12 Thread Ben Bolker
ll. 17-18 of src/library/base/man/pmatch.Rd says "the value to be returned at non-matching or multiply partially matching positions". I think "multiply" should be "multiple" there? Can submit an actual patch if that would be more useful. __

[Rd] Potential improvements of ave?

2021-03-12 Thread SOEIRO Thomas
Dear all, I have two questions/suggestions about ave, but I am not sure if it's relevant for bug reports. 1) I have performance issues with ave in a case where I didn't expect it. The following code runs as expected: set.seed(1) df1 <- data.frame(id1 = sample(1:1e2, 5e2, TRUE),

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Submitting breaking changes to CRAN

2021-03-12 Thread Duncan Murdoch
One part of your first message that I don't understand is the reluctance of downstream package writers to update to the spatstat. versions. You said "Many have reported back that they have a new version ready that will work with spatstat (>=2.0) and are waiting to submit until it is on

[R-pkg-devel] Checking compiled code ... WARNING

2021-03-12 Thread Elysée Aristide
Dear all, I checked (as cran) my package PartialNetwork and I got this warning. * checking compiled code ... WARNING File ‘PartialNetwork/libs/PartialNetwork.so’: Found ‘__assert_fail’, possibly from ‘assert’ (C) Object: ‘RcppExports.o’

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Checking compiled code ... WARNING

2021-03-12 Thread Iñaki Ucar
Now with the list in CC, apologies. On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 21:12, Elysée Aristide wrote: > > Dear all, > > I checked (as cran) my package PartialNetwork > and I got this warning. > > * checking compiled code ... WARNING > File

Re: [Bioc-devel] is it possible to disable i386 builds on bioconductor

2021-03-12 Thread Thomas Girke
Dear Hervé and Martin, It seems the above problem on the Windows builds has been resolved for some time now. However, any updates on Linux in the release branch are not taking effect since some/all of the Openbabel dependencies are not available on the corresponding Linux build system (here

[Bioc-devel] Vignette build fail on Windows: cannot open connection

2021-03-12 Thread Michael Morgan
Dear Bioc-devel, We currently have an open package submission for Bioconductor that fails (on Windows) due to an error in the vignette building: http://bioconductor.org/spb_reports/miloR_buildreport_20210308174731.html#tokay2_buildsrc_anchor The same error occurs on our GitHub Actions testing: