Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-11 Thread Dr Heather Turner

Okay, here's the update.

I've created a new function (with Windows and Unix 
versions) which would be the internal function that creates the post 
template ready to edit and optionally send. In the Windows version I've 
added an experimental method == mailto option, which will open the 
post template in the default mailer (e.g. Outlook) ready to edit and 
post. Maybe a Unix version would also be nice, e.g.

browseURL(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] bugbody=%0Ainsert 
bug report here%0A%0A%0A%0A--please do not edit the information 
below--%0A%0AVersion:%0A platform = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu%0A ...)

would open the post template in e.g. Thunderbird, but has the side 
effect of opening an empty page in the web browser. I don't know if 
there's a neater solution?

The function is basically the old with two 
extra arguments: 'description' (e.g. bug report) and 'instructions' 
(e.g. \\nType your message here\\n) for customization. It could be 
used directly e.g to post to R-devel with session information.

The new simply calls with the appropriate 

The improved help-request() function calls after running 
through the checks described before.

In response to Gabor's comments, help.request():

 - now checks packages are up-to-date and gives option to update 
on-the-fly (user may not know whether involved in query, so check all)

 - keeps default mailing options as in old but gives clearer message (Email the post now?\n (yes/no)) 
requiring definite response (yes vs y)

 - still uses online documents because some are only available online 
(R Site Search, posting guide), it ensures the most up-to-date 
documentation is used, and it allows direction to global FAQ page, 
avoiding need to check whether user is on Windows/Mac

 - uses more robust method of checking R version is up-to-date

I've also written a help file for help.request() which includes the 
method=mailto option. The help file for would need updating 
if this option was kept.

Best wishes,


Martin Maechler wrote:

  HT == Heather Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:21:17 +0100 writes:

HT Thanks for the helpful tips and suggestions, I'll work
HT them in. You get local versions of the documents on Unix
HT too - RShowDoc() will do the trick.

HT I'll post an updated version in due course,

Thank you, Heather and Gabor (and the other contributors).
Indeed, I too like the idea of providing a new R function for
Ideally, Heather, you'd try to factor out some of the common
functionality of and help.request() into a few
utils-namespace hidden auxiliary functions.

Ideally, you'd attach text/plain attachments (base64 encoded) so
there won't be line wrap arounds.


HT Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 That's an excellent idea.

 One other item that could be checkable would be if the
 user has the most recent versions of the packages
 involved in the query.  Perhaps it could display the
 unupdated packages and ask the user if any of those are
 involved in the query.

 Probably needs to give fair warning that it is sending
 off an email so people don't wind up sending out emails
 when they are really just trying out the system.
 Probably none should be the default for email so that
 its not regarded as obnoxious.

 Might be nice if it used local versions of documents if
 they exist locally.  On Windows they do.

 Check out ?getRversion

 On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Dr Heather Turner
 Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide,
 it seems to me that it would be useful to have a
 function along the lines of, to help a
 potential questioner make sure they have done their
 homework and have the relevant information to put into a
 post to R-help.

 Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post
 can sometimes forget to check something obvious - I
 recently got caught out by not checking an error was
 reproducible in the patched version for example.

 So I have written a help.request() function (see below),
 which - prompts the user to check the relevant
 resources, stopping and opening the relevant url where
 necessary - checks their R version is up-to-date (in a
 rather messy way - please suggest improvements!)  -
 prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and
 test it in a fresh R session - prompts them to give a
 meaningful subject line - automatically adds system info
 to the post (as in - sends the message for
 them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)

 Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy
 to make improvements as suggested and write a help file
 if so.



Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-11 Thread Martin Maechler
 HT == Heather Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 12:50:49 +0100 writes:

HT Okay, here's the update.
HT I've created a new function (with Windows and Unix 
HT versions) which would be the internal function that creates the post 
HT template ready to edit and optionally send. In the Windows version I've 
HT added an experimental method == mailto option, which will open the 
HT post template in the default mailer (e.g. Outlook) ready to edit and 
HT post. Maybe a Unix version would also be nice, e.g.

HT browseURL(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] bugbody=%0Ainsert 
HT bug report here%0A%0A%0A%0A--please do not edit the information 
HT below--%0A%0AVersion:%0A platform = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu%0A ...)

HT would open the post template in e.g. Thunderbird, but has the side 
HT effect of opening an empty page in the web browser. I don't know if 
HT there's a neater solution?

Well, the current solution {for} seems quite
desirable to me on unix.

HT The function is basically the old with two 
HT extra arguments: 'description' (e.g. bug report) and 'instructions' 
HT (e.g. \\nType your message here\\n) for customization. It could 
HT used directly e.g to post to R-devel with session information.

HT The new simply calls with the appropriate 
HT arguments.

Thank you; that's a really nice example of code reuse!

HT The improved help-request() function calls after running 
HT through the checks described before.

HT In response to Gabor's comments, help.request():

HT - now checks packages are up-to-date and gives option to update 
HT on-the-fly (user may not know whether involved in query, so check all)

This is a bit problematic as now.
E.g., we have about 1500 packages installed, and inspite of automatic
updating, never all are current, and the updating should typically
not happen on a user (but a site-wide) level anyway.
Also, the call to old.packages()  takes minutes (the
first time in an R session) if you have so many packages in a
dozen libraries.  

This should really not interfere with an e-mail for help,
rather I think that the packages-up-to-date check
should only happen for those non-standard packages that are
currently in use as from sessionInfo().

Unfortunately, that functionality to do that is not yet there
in old.packages(), but I am about to add that option to R-devel
as well.

No need to send me a new version of your code, BTW, since I have
already worked on it in several places.

HT - keeps default mailing options as in old but 
HT gives clearer message (Email the post now?\n (yes/no)) 
HT requiring definite response (yes vs y)


HT - still uses online documents because some are only available online 
HT (R Site Search, posting guide), it ensures the most up-to-date 
HT documentation is used, and it allows direction to global FAQ page, 
HT avoiding need to check whether user is on Windows/Mac

HT - uses more robust method of checking R version is up-to-date

HT I've also written a help file for help.request() which includes the 
HT method=mailto option. 
ok {it did need some correction}.

HT The help file for would need updating 
HT if this option was kept.

I think this is mainly a windows feature (but maybe not).
I'd definitely like to get some feedback from Windows users
about this.

HT Best wishes,
HT Heather

Thanks again, Heather, for this.
This is becoming a very nice new feature!


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-09 Thread Dr Heather Turner
Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide, it seems to me 
that it would be useful to have a function along the lines of, to help a potential questioner make sure they have done 
their homework and have the relevant information to put into a post to 

Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post can sometimes 
forget to check something obvious - I recently got caught out by not 
checking an error was reproducible in the patched version for example.

So I have written a help.request() function (see below), which
- prompts the user to check the relevant resources, stopping and opening 
the relevant url where necessary
- checks their R version is up-to-date (in a rather messy way - please 
suggest improvements!)
- prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and test it in a 
fresh R session

- prompts them to give a meaningful subject line
- automatically adds system info to the post (as in
- sends the message for them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)

Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy to make 
improvements as suggested and write a help file if so.


help.request - function (subject = ,
  ccaddress = Sys.getenv(USER),
  method = getOption(mailer),
  address = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  file =
no - function(answer) answer == n
yes - function(answer) answer == y
go - function(url) {
cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your 
web browser\n)

post - readline(Have you read the posting guide? (y/n) )
if (no(post)) return(go(;))
FAQ - readline(Have you checked the FAQ? (y/n) )
if (no(FAQ)) return(go(;))
intro - readline(Have you checked An Introduction to R? (y/n) )
if (no(intro)) 
NEWS - readline(Have you checked the NEWS of the latest 
development release? (y/n) )

if (no(NEWS)) return(go(;))
rsitesearch - readline(Have you looked on RSiteSearch? (y/n) )
if (no(rsitesearch)) {
cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your 
web browser\n)

inf - sessionInfo()
if (otherPkgs %in% names(inf)){
other - readline(You have packages other than the base 
packages loaded.,
  \nIf your query relates to one of these, 
have you ,

  checked any corresponding books/manuals \nand ,
  considered contacting the package 
maintainer? (y/n/NA) )

if(no(other)) return(Please do this first.)

man - url(;)
ver - scan(man, what = character(0), sep = \n, skip = 13, nlines 
= 1, quiet = TRUE)

major - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 18, stop = 18))
minor - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 20, stop = 22))
if (major  as.numeric(R.Version()$major) ||
minor  as.numeric(R.Version()$major)) {
update - readline(Your R version is out-of-date, would you 
like to update now? (y/n) )

if (yes(update)) {
## To get long prompt!
cat(Have you written example code that is\n,
- minimal\n - reproducible\n - self-contained\n - commented,
\nusing data that is either\n,
- constructed by the code\n - loaded by data()\n,
- reproduced using dump(\mydata\, file = \\)\n)
code - readline(paste(have you checked this code in a fresh R 
   \n(invoking R with the --vanilla option if 
   \nand is this code copied to the clipboard? 
(y/n) ))

if (no(code))
return(cat(\nIf your query is not directly related to code,
   (e.g. a general query \nabout R's capabilities),,
   email [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly. ,
   \nOtherwise prepare some example code first.\n))
change - readline(paste(Would you like to change your subject 
 subject, \nto something more meaningful? 
(y/n) ))

if (yes(change))
subject - readline(Enter subject: \n)

methods - c(mailx, gnudoit, none, ess)
method - if (is.null(method))
else methods[pmatch(method, methods)]
body - paste(\\nWrite your query here, using your example code 
to illustrate,

  \\nEnd with your name and affiliation\\n\\n\\n\\n,
  --please do not edit the information below--\\n\\n,
  Version:\\n , paste(names(R.version), R.version, 
sep =  = ,
collapse = 

Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-09 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
That's an excellent idea.

One other item that could be checkable would
be if the user has the most recent versions of the packages involved
in the query.Perhaps it could display the unupdated packages
and ask the user if any of those are involved in the query.

Probably needs to give fair warning that it is sending
off an email so people don't wind up sending out emails when they
are really just trying out the system.  Probably none should be the
default for email so that its not regarded as obnoxious.

Might be nice if it used local versions of documents if they exist
locally.  On Windows they do.

Check out ?getRversion

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Dr Heather Turner
 Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide, it seems to me that
 it would be useful to have a function along the lines of, to
 help a potential questioner make sure they have done their homework and have
 the relevant information to put into a post to R-help.

 Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post can sometimes forget
 to check something obvious - I recently got caught out by not checking an
 error was reproducible in the patched version for example.

 So I have written a help.request() function (see below), which
 - prompts the user to check the relevant resources, stopping and opening the
 relevant url where necessary
 - checks their R version is up-to-date (in a rather messy way - please
 suggest improvements!)
 - prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and test it in a fresh R
 - prompts them to give a meaningful subject line
 - automatically adds system info to the post (as in
 - sends the message for them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)

 Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy to make improvements
 as suggested and write a help file if so.



 help.request - function (subject = ,
  ccaddress = Sys.getenv(USER),
  method = getOption(mailer),
  address = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  file =
no - function(answer) answer == n
yes - function(answer) answer == y
go - function(url) {
cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
post - readline(Have you read the posting guide? (y/n) )
if (no(post)) return(go(;))
FAQ - readline(Have you checked the FAQ? (y/n) )
if (no(FAQ)) return(go(;))
intro - readline(Have you checked An Introduction to R? (y/n) )
if (no(intro))
NEWS - readline(Have you checked the NEWS of the latest development
 release? (y/n) )
if (no(NEWS)) return(go(;))
rsitesearch - readline(Have you looked on RSiteSearch? (y/n) )
if (no(rsitesearch)) {
cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
inf - sessionInfo()
if (otherPkgs %in% names(inf)){
other - readline(You have packages other than the base packages
  \nIf your query relates to one of these, have you
  checked any corresponding books/manuals \nand ,
  considered contacting the package maintainer?
 (y/n/NA) )
if(no(other)) return(Please do this first.)

man - url(;)
ver - scan(man, what = character(0), sep = \n, skip = 13, nlines = 1,
 quiet = TRUE)
major - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 18, stop = 18))
minor - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 20, stop = 22))
if (major  as.numeric(R.Version()$major) ||
minor  as.numeric(R.Version()$major)) {
update - readline(Your R version is out-of-date, would you like to
 update now? (y/n) )
if (yes(update)) {
## To get long prompt!
cat(Have you written example code that is\n,
- minimal\n - reproducible\n - self-contained\n - commented,
\nusing data that is either\n,
- constructed by the code\n - loaded by data()\n,
- reproduced using dump(\mydata\, file = \\)\n)
code - readline(paste(have you checked this code in a fresh R session,
   \n(invoking R with the --vanilla option if
   \nand is this code copied to the clipboard? (y/n)
if (no(code))
return(cat(\nIf your query is not directly related to code,
   (e.g. a general query \nabout R's capabilities),,
   email [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly. ,
   \nOtherwise prepare some example code 

Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-09 Thread Dr Heather Turner
Thanks for the helpful tips and suggestions, I'll work them in. You get 
local versions of the documents on Unix too - RShowDoc() will do the trick.

I'll post an updated version in due course,


Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

That's an excellent idea.

One other item that could be checkable would
be if the user has the most recent versions of the packages involved
in the query.Perhaps it could display the unupdated packages
and ask the user if any of those are involved in the query.

Probably needs to give fair warning that it is sending
off an email so people don't wind up sending out emails when they
are really just trying out the system.  Probably none should be the
default for email so that its not regarded as obnoxious.

Might be nice if it used local versions of documents if they exist
locally.  On Windows they do.

Check out ?getRversion

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Dr Heather Turner

Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide, it seems to me that
it would be useful to have a function along the lines of, to
help a potential questioner make sure they have done their homework and have
the relevant information to put into a post to R-help.

Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post can sometimes forget
to check something obvious - I recently got caught out by not checking an
error was reproducible in the patched version for example.

So I have written a help.request() function (see below), which
- prompts the user to check the relevant resources, stopping and opening the
relevant url where necessary
- checks their R version is up-to-date (in a rather messy way - please
suggest improvements!)
- prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and test it in a fresh R
- prompts them to give a meaningful subject line
- automatically adds system info to the post (as in
- sends the message for them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)

Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy to make improvements
as suggested and write a help file if so.


help.request - function (subject = ,
 ccaddress = Sys.getenv(USER),
 method = getOption(mailer),
 address = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 file =
   no - function(answer) answer == n
   yes - function(answer) answer == y
   go - function(url) {
   cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
   post - readline(Have you read the posting guide? (y/n) )
   if (no(post)) return(go(;))
   FAQ - readline(Have you checked the FAQ? (y/n) )
   if (no(FAQ)) return(go(;))
   intro - readline(Have you checked An Introduction to R? (y/n) )
   if (no(intro))
   NEWS - readline(Have you checked the NEWS of the latest development
release? (y/n) )
   if (no(NEWS)) return(go(;))
   rsitesearch - readline(Have you looked on RSiteSearch? (y/n) )
   if (no(rsitesearch)) {
   cat(Please do this first - the site has been loaded in your web
   inf - sessionInfo()
   if (otherPkgs %in% names(inf)){
   other - readline(You have packages other than the base packages
 \nIf your query relates to one of these, have you
 checked any corresponding books/manuals \nand ,
 considered contacting the package maintainer?
(y/n/NA) )
   if(no(other)) return(Please do this first.)

   man - url(;)
   ver - scan(man, what = character(0), sep = \n, skip = 13, nlines = 1,
quiet = TRUE)
   major - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 18, stop = 18))
   minor - as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 20, stop = 22))
   if (major  as.numeric(R.Version()$major) ||
   minor  as.numeric(R.Version()$major)) {
   update - readline(Your R version is out-of-date, would you like to
update now? (y/n) )
   if (yes(update)) {
   ## To get long prompt!
   cat(Have you written example code that is\n,
   - minimal\n - reproducible\n - self-contained\n - commented,
   \nusing data that is either\n,
   - constructed by the code\n - loaded by data()\n,
   - reproduced using dump(\mydata\, file = \\)\n)
   code - readline(paste(have you checked this code in a fresh R session,
  \n(invoking R with the --vanilla option if
  \nand is this code copied to the clipboard? (y/n)
   if (no(code))
   return(cat(\nIf your query is not directly related to code,
  (e.g. a general 

Re: [Rd] Posting Guide - help.request() function?

2008-06-09 Thread Martin Maechler
 HT == Heather Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:21:17 +0100 writes:

HT Thanks for the helpful tips and suggestions, I'll work
HT them in. You get local versions of the documents on Unix
HT too - RShowDoc() will do the trick.

HT I'll post an updated version in due course,

Thank you, Heather and Gabor (and the other contributors).
Indeed, I too like the idea of providing a new R function for
Ideally, Heather, you'd try to factor out some of the common
functionality of and help.request() into a few
utils-namespace hidden auxiliary functions.

Ideally, you'd attach text/plain attachments (base64 encoded) so
there won't be line wrap arounds.


HT Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 That's an excellent idea.
 One other item that could be checkable would be if the
 user has the most recent versions of the packages
 involved in the query.  Perhaps it could display the
 unupdated packages and ask the user if any of those are
 involved in the query.
 Probably needs to give fair warning that it is sending
 off an email so people don't wind up sending out emails
 when they are really just trying out the system.
 Probably none should be the default for email so that
 its not regarded as obnoxious.
 Might be nice if it used local versions of documents if
 they exist locally.  On Windows they do.
 Check out ?getRversion
 On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Dr Heather Turner
 Whilst it is a good idea to improve the posting guide,
 it seems to me that it would be useful to have a
 function along the lines of, to help a
 potential questioner make sure they have done their
 homework and have the relevant information to put into a
 post to R-help.
 Even those of us who know what ought to go into a post
 can sometimes forget to check something obvious - I
 recently got caught out by not checking an error was
 reproducible in the patched version for example.
 So I have written a help.request() function (see below),
 which - prompts the user to check the relevant
 resources, stopping and opening the relevant url where
 necessary - checks their R version is up-to-date (in a
 rather messy way - please suggest improvements!)  -
 prompts them to prepare appropriate example code and
 test it in a fresh R session - prompts them to give a
 meaningful subject line - automatically adds system info
 to the post (as in - sends the message for
 them (ensuring a fresh thread is started)
 Is this an idea worth taking further? I would be happy
 to make improvements as suggested and write a help file
 if so.
 help.request - function (subject = , ccaddress =
 Sys.getenv(USER), method = getOption(mailer),
 address = [EMAIL PROTECTED], file = { no - function(answer) answer == n
 yes - function(answer) answer == y go -
 function(url) { cat(Please do this first - the site has
 been loaded in your web browser\n) browseURL(url) }
 cat(Checklist:\n) post - readline(Have you read the
 posting guide? (y/n) ) if (no(post))
 FAQ - readline(Have you checked the FAQ? (y/n) ) if
 return(go(;)) intro
 - readline(Have you checked An Introduction to R?
 (y/n) ) if (no(intro))
 NEWS - readline(Have you checked the NEWS of the
 latest development release? (y/n) ) if (no(NEWS))
 rsitesearch - readline(Have you looked on RSiteSearch?
 (y/n) ) if (no(rsitesearch)) { cat(Please do this
 first - the site has been loaded in your web browser\n)
 return(RSiteSearch(subject)) } inf - sessionInfo() if
 (otherPkgs %in% names(inf)){ other - readline(You
 have packages other than the base packages loaded.,
 \nIf your query relates to one of these, have you ,
 checked any corresponding books/manuals \nand ,
 considered contacting the package maintainer?  (y/n/NA)
 ) if(no(other)) return(Please do this first.)  }
 man - url(;) ver
 - scan(man, what = character(0), sep = \n, skip = 13,
 nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE) major -
 as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 18, stop = 18)) minor -
 as.numeric(substr(ver, start = 20, stop = 22)) if (major
  as.numeric(R.Version()$major) || minor 
 as.numeric(R.Version()$major)) { update -
 readline(Your R version is out-of-date, would you like
 to update now? (y/n) ) if (yes(update)) {
 return(go(getOption(repos))) } }