Re: [R] Hmisc labels and captions in latex.list()

2008-12-30 Thread Dieter Menne
J Michael Dean mdean77 at writes: I am trying to feed a list to latex to use with SWeave, and the list comes from contents(). Since it is a list, a caption and label are generated by latex.list - these are not overridden by setting the parameters (such as

Re: [R] How to get unique solution from nnet function

2008-12-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Utkarsh Singhal utkarshs at writes: I am using nnet function of nnet package to fit neural networks. Now I want to get a unique solution every time I run the function for the same data. If I give rang=0, it solves my problem but I am not sure whether I am doing the right

Re: [R] Using a constant scale across X-Y plots

2008-12-28 Thread Dieter Menne
Lisa lschwei at writes: I am working off an example from Deepayan Sarkar's Lattice:Multivariate Data Visualiization with R. I am trying to create Figure 5.6, essentially, but I would like to be able depict different metro areas. These of course have different lat/longs, so I

Re: [R] Convert ASCII string to Hex in R (vice versa)

2008-12-22 Thread Dieter Menne
Gundala Viswanath gundalav at writes: For example I have the following ASCII strings: ascii_str - ORRRIROOQRQQOLORRQRROKKIKFAA ascii_str2 - FFDDC Each character in the above string represent a hexadecimal value. I want to translate those string into

Re: [R] Convert ASCII string to Decimal in R (vice versa) was: Hex

2008-12-22 Thread Dieter Menne
Gundala Viswanath gundalav at writes: Sorry my mistake. I wanted to convert them into Decimal (not Hexadecimal). Given this string, the desired answer follows: ascii_str - ORQIK 79 82 81 62 73 75 ascii_str2 - FDC 70 68 67 You might have a look at Henrik Bengtsson's

Re: [R] Convert ASCII string to Decimal in R (vice versa) was: Hex

2008-12-22 Thread Dieter Menne
Gundala Viswanath gundalav at writes: Sorry my mistake. I wanted to convert them into Decimal (not Hexadecimal). Given this string, the desired answer follows: ascii_str - ORQIK 79 82 81 62 73 75 ascii_str2 - FDC 70 68 67 lapply(ABCD,charToRaw)[[1]] Dieter

Re: [R] NA, where no NA should (could!) be!

2008-12-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at writes: Why do so many people have such trouble with the word reproducible? We can't reproduce that without access to weblog_by_date! In a strict sense, the example is reproducible as opposite to spurious. Reproducible research means that you can get

Re: [R] How test contrasts/coefficients of Repeated-Measures ANOVA?

2008-12-20 Thread Dieter Menne
Ben Meijering b.meijering at writes: I'm doing a Repeated-Measures ANOVA, but I don't know how to test its contrasts or where to find the p-values of its coefficients. I know how to find the coefficient estimates of a contrast, but not how to test these estimates.

Re: [R] Specify nonlinear equation with nlme

2008-12-20 Thread Dieter Menne
justin bem justin_bem at writes: I want to estimate a nonlinear mixed effect model using nlme package or lme4. How can I specify this y=exp(B'X)/(1+exp(B'X)). the same model can be obtained with logit(y)=B'X but I have many value of 1 in y logit(1)=Inf. Using exp in this case is a

Re: [R] Predict

2008-12-19 Thread Dieter Menne
Ricardo L Gómez rgomezye at writes: lm(formula = outcom ~ vari1 + vari2 + dummy1 + dummy2) .. but now, using this model, I need to calculate the predicted value of OUTCOM (only for one observation) , when vari1=8 and vari 2 =64, and also the confidence interval(the data

Re: [R] obtaining output from an evaluated expression

2008-12-19 Thread Dieter Menne
Jack Bowden jack.bowden at writes: dU1dtheta - deriv(~ xi-(alpha0+alpha1*gi), c(alpha0,alpha1)) eval(dU1dtheta) (Intercept) -0.2547153 attr(,gradient) alpha0 alpha1 [1,] -1 0 I want to extract the output gradient values of -1 and 0 but I don't

Re: [R] Hidden Markov Models.

2008-12-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Marcus Vinicius mvinic at writes: Is there anyone that may send me articles, e-books or scripts (R/Matlab) about Hidden Markov Models? You get a lot by searching R-project with the term Hidden Markov, including a package with that name. Dieter

Re: [R] How can we predict differences in a slope, given that the random component was significant?

2008-12-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Sachi Ito wrote: Using R lme function, I found that both fixed and random effects of variable A on variable B are significant. It would be good if you could tell us how you found out that the random effects were significant. I must have missed something here. Sachi Ito wrote:

Re: [R] Please help me in Converting this from C# to R [C1]

2008-12-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Taoufik NADIFI taoufik.nadifi at writes: Please, can you tell me if you know how can i use the library Igraph in C# ? Not easy, but possible. Try to google for rcom c# and watch the list where some problems with more

Re: [R] Null values In R.

2008-12-02 Thread Dieter Menne
paul murima wrote: My problem is largely when i attempt to use correlation for my data... xcc - cor(a); The error i get is as follows Error in cor(a) : missing observations in cov/cor As Daniel suggested, it is always best to use the function's parameter to handle NULLs. In

Re: [R] Examples of advanced data visualization

2008-11-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Hans W. Borchers-4 wrote: Tom Backer Johnsen backer at writes: I am also wondering if the R Wiki would be a better place to publish summaries on topics discussed here. On the mailing list, summaries are forgotten within one or two months time, only to be retrieved in

Re: [R] Error in sqlCopy in RODBC

2008-11-27 Thread Dieter Menne
BKMooney wrote: I tried your suggestion... library(RODBC) channel = odbcConnectAccess(db.mdb) sqlCopy(channel,Select * from tab,newtab,destchannel=channel, safer=TRUE,append=TRUE,rownames=FALSE,fast=FALSE) odbcClose(channel) however, I am still running into errors, both when

Re: [R] Error in sqlCopy in RODBC

2008-11-26 Thread Dieter Menne
BKMooney wrote: I am trying to copy portions of tables from one SQL database to another, using sqlCopy in the RODBC package. ... I am currently getting an error: Error in sqlSave(destchannel, dataset, destination, verbose = verbose, : table 'LocalTable' already exists I can

Re: [R] Re shape matrix from wide to long format

2008-11-25 Thread Dieter Menne
Daren Tan wrote: I forgot the reshape equivalent for converting from wide to long format. Can someone help as my matrix is very big. The following is just an example. m - matrix(1:20, nrow=4, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:4], letters[1:5])) Gabor's solution is uses more basic functions,

Re: [R] Growth rate determination using ANCOVA

2008-11-23 Thread Dieter Menne
dschruth dschruth at writes: ...I am worried that our null and alternative hypotheses should be swapped so that our test is more conservative (Ho=slopes are different ... ie still acclimating.) Is there a way to specify my model that flips these hypotheses? No, that not possible

Re: [R] Possible bug in screen ?

2008-11-23 Thread Dieter Menne
_ Cyrix333 at writes: after choosen the plot in witch I want to draw a point, just the first plot draws the point Is it a bug or just a user-problem ? Example : split.screen(c(2,1)) screen(1) plot(1:10) screen(2) plot(10:100) screen(n=1, new=F) points(4,3, col=red)

Re: [R] R Error

2008-11-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Error in S[index] = S[index - 1] + (dSi - dSo - SC) * dt : nothing to replace with Peter Dalgaard wrote: ...that her R version is from before September 2008. Just curious which item in NEWS this comment refers to. Something changed in [] ? Dieter -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Fitting a sine wave using solver

2008-11-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Ben Zuckerberg bz73 at writes: I have several sets of oscillation data and would like to estimate the parameters of a sine function to each set (and hopefully automate this). There is an example using lme (yes, LINEAR) fit on page 239 of Pinheiro/Bates Mixed Effects Book

Re: [R] Problem with data.frame()

2008-11-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Agustin Lobo-4 wrote: Given str(x) 'data.frame': 5284 obs. of 5 variables: $ COD : chr 0800101001 0800101002 0800101003 0800101004 ... $ 0-4 : num 79 215 84 58 127 134 15 122 101 99 ... $ 5-9 : num 76 180 32 56 81 106 10 112 128 96 ... $ 10-14: num 68 145 39 46 78 81

Re: [R] Equivalent to apply(x[,2:5],1,sum) for dataframe

2008-11-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Agustin Lobo-4 wrote: What's the most correct way of doing the equivalent to apply(x[,2:5],1,sum) if x is dataframe in which the only numeric fields are in columns 2:5 ? (using apply returns a character vector) Could it be that you meant apply(x[,2:5],2,sum)? Not very easy to

Re: [R] Calculating SD according to groups of rows

2008-11-20 Thread Dieter Menne
pufftissue pufftissue pufftissue at writes: What I am getting is indeed: 7200 23955345638934 16.39977 10.0389611.234 14.02 I'd like the final output to be: subject_id hr_Stand_Deviation 7200 16.39977 23955

Re: [R] Calculating SD according to groups of rows

2008-11-20 Thread Dieter Menne
hadley wickham h.wickham at writes: library(plyr) dat = data.frame(SUBJECT_ID=sample(letters[1:5],100,TRUE),HR=rnorm(100)) daply(dat,.(SUBJECT_ID),sd) ddply(dat,.(SUBJECT_ID),sd) Well that calculates sd on the whole data frame. (Like sd(dat)). Not really, it looks like the

Re: [R] How do I generate multiple (similar) objects within R?

2008-11-20 Thread Dieter Menne
Nicklas Pettersson Nicklas.Pettersson at writes: I wonder if anyone knows how to generate a list of objects, e.g. ten vectors with names: vect1, vect2, ... , vect10. My own idea was to use something like: for (i in 1:10) print(paste(vect, i,-NULL,sep=)) for (i in

Re: [R] how to join these two models?

2008-11-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Sara Mouro wrote: I have this 2 models that fit to my data: M3varI - update (M3, weights=varIdent(form= ~ 1|SITE)) M3AR1-update(M3,correlation=corAR1()) How can I put them toghether in one final model? This looks like lme in package nlme, but it is pure guesswork, since your

Re: [R] Problems with rbind

2008-11-15 Thread Dieter Menne
TU wrote: A recent update on base packages on my R installation has introduced a problem to my code which did not exist before the update. The offending function is rbind, which fails where it was working just fine before the update. I have two zoo objects, foo and bar, indexed by

Re: [R] Change Confidence Limits on a plot

2008-11-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Robin Clark wrote: mult-glht(lm(effectModel, data=statdata, na.action = na.omit), linfct=mcp(mainEffect=Means)) meanPlot - sub(.html, meanplot.jpg, htmlFile) jpeg(meanPlot) plot(mult, main=NA, xlab=unlist(strsplit(Args[4],~))[1]) This produces 95% CIs by

Re: [R] how to plot a variable's histogram in the levels of a second variable

2008-11-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Argyro Antaraki arantarak at writes: I am trying to create a clustered barplot for the following 2 variables who have more cases but as an example i am giving you 10 items: sex  socio-economic status 1     1 2     2 2     2 2     3 .. where sex: 1:man,

Re: [R] pairwise.wilcox.test

2008-11-12 Thread Dieter Menne
LE PAPE Gilles lepape.gilles at writes: Could somebody explain me why the pairwise.wilcox.test function ever gives the same result with either paired=FALSE or paired=TRUE ? Because of what I would consider a .. let's call it feature to avoid flames... in parameter passing in

Re: [R] R- transform data frame into matrix

2008-11-12 Thread Dieter Menne
Thorsten Raff t.raff at writes: I have the problem that I want to transform a dataframe as generated by diagnosis - rep(diagnosis[1:3], 3) marker - gl(3,3) values - rnorm(9) dataframe - cbind(diagnosis, marker, values) dataframe - dataframe[c(1:5, 7:9), ] into a matrix

Re: [R] how to export results of rcorr into excel

2008-11-11 Thread Dieter Menne
shixin jasonshi510 at writes: I try to export the outputs of rcorr into excel. but I got error message,cannot coerce class rcorr into a data.frame. Actually i just need export part of results of this analysis,e.g. p-values or stat-values. library(Hmisc) x - c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2) y -

Re: [R] Reading tables using a truncated name

2008-11-11 Thread Dieter Menne
chibco at writes: I am trying to read a bunch of csv files using read.table() that are named test_xx.csv where xx has no particular pattern. Is there a way of reading all the files by specifying a truncated file name e.g. test_ with some wild card characters, or would I

Re: [R] Package msm

2008-11-11 Thread Dieter Menne
Maura E Monville maura.monville at writes: The bad side is that it does not seem to model observations sequences that are not independent but instead are autocorrelated. Correct me if I should be sitting on the firehose, but I am eager to hear about any non-trivial Markov Process

Re: [R] is there any way to apply mulitiple conditions in s ubset function

2008-11-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Kurapati, Ravichandra (Ravichandra ravichandra.kurapati at writes: df Session_Setup DCT FwdDataVols_bin counts 761 0 1 1 87162 Subset(df,df$ FwdDataVols_bin30 df$ FwdDataVols_bin100 ) but it doesn't work

Re: [R] Re : Regarding lme functions

2008-11-10 Thread Dieter Menne
ratna ghosal ratnaghosal at writes: But then how to interpret the rows and columns When lost, use str: library(nlme) fm1Orth.lme = lme(distance ~ I(age-11), data = Orthodont, random = ~ I(age-11) | Subject) ints = intervals(fm1Orth.lme) str(ints) # $

Re: [R] is there a way to use aov to do mixed linear models with both random and fixed effects?

2008-11-09 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael comtech.usa at writes: There is no way to signal to aov the A and B are random effects and C is fixed effect; or A is random and B and C are fixed? It is possible to do blocking with aov and the Error() term, but I would recommend against it, even if this method is still

Re: [R] how to source file with arugments

2008-11-05 Thread Dieter Menne
Jiqiang Guo guojq28 at writes: As we know when we use R to execute a r program we can add arguments like '--args p1 p2'. But when I am sourcing another file, is there a way to set up some arguments for the sourced program. Thanks! In general, you can use Sys.getenv() and

Re: [R] getting small graphs with Sweave using Rnews.sty

2008-11-04 Thread Dieter Menne
Jeff D. Hamann wrote: I've started playing with the example r news project and wanted to start adding some graphs, but replacing: ... Is it possible, to get a small graphic this way, or should I write out a temp graph as a pdf and include the graphic by constructing the statement

Re: [R] Prevent read.table from converting + and - to 0

2008-11-04 Thread Dieter Menne
Daren Tan daren76 at writes: I am using read.table(data.txt, sep=\t) to read in a tab-limited text file. However, two columns of data were read wrongly. read.table converts + and - in the two columns to 0. I have tried setting other parameters but to no avail. Looks like

Re: [R] How to extract following data

2008-11-04 Thread Dieter Menne
RON70 ron_michael70 at writes: - Temp diffgr:id=Temp14 msdata:rowOrder=13 Date2005-01-17T00:00:00+05:30/Date SecurityID10149/SecurityID PriceClose1288.40002/PriceClose /Temp Looks suspiciously like XML, and let's hope the real data are more like this below,

Re: [R] contour plot, failing to interpolate through all data

2008-11-04 Thread Dieter Menne
Folkes, Michael Michael.Folkes at writes: I'm having trouble making contour lines for this attached, sparse dataset (low data:NA ratio!). Is it the high number of NA's, or funny layout of the densities, or something else that's causing this? start data to be in

Re: [R] what is the result of this code

2008-11-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Ehs ehsazh at writes: can any one help me to now , what is the result of this code ? #start edw-function(mm,n){ v2-v3-0 d-dim(mm) several lines removed } #end Following generic world-wide-wisdom, it is 42. Dieter

Re: [R] Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs

2008-11-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Felipe Carrillo mazatlanmexico at writes: I'm trying to create some side by side dynamic graphics on the same page but Thanks for the example; there was a minor typo so that it did not run plot(}, and a major problem that could have caused serious problem (happens to me quite often

Re: [R] Simple R (in Sweave) Question

2008-11-02 Thread Dieter Menne
dogle DOgle at writes: I am writing a report using Sweave with specific R output incorporated into the text using the Sexpr{} command. I have run into two specific issues: 1) If the result inside the Sexpr{} command is an integer less than 10 I would like to print the “word”

Re: [R] Suppressing internal grid in filled.contour

2008-10-31 Thread Dieter Menne
Martin Maechler maechler at writes: Yes, indeed, PDFs *are* fine Apologies to the original poster, I was not aware of this. Dieter __ mailing list PLEASE do read the

Re: [R] Suppressing internal grid in filled.contour

2008-10-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Jonathan Greenberg greenberg at writes: Ok, I've placed the input files and the PDF on a website This an aliasing problem that disappears partially when using higher resolution, as noted in the quoted #

Re: [R] A critique of R and S-PLUS

2008-10-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Liviu Andronic landronimirc at writes: The other day I stumbled on this article, A critique of R and S-PLUS [1], and got curious on whether the points outlined are (still) valid. The article is quite old, dating 2004, but was updated several times.

Re: [R] smooth function advice

2008-10-30 Thread Dieter Menne
tolga.i.uzuner at writes: I am looking for a smoothing function with the following characteristics for a time series of data: - at each date, should only use data up to that date (so, right aligned and not centered) - should return a smoothed series of length equal to the

Re: [R] why does sample(x, n) give the same n items in every separate runs?

2008-10-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Shuhua Zhan szhan at writes: smallvec-c(8,12,9,6,13,20,16,11,8,5) largevec-c(400,300,550,600,210,420,380,600,450,500) generdm-c() ## a random set of genes for( i in 1:length(smallvec)){ # try to chop down this line and add a print to understand # what is going on

Re: [R] get coordinates to multi file

2008-10-29 Thread Dieter Menne
Alessandro alessandro.montaghi at writes: but I must processing several and several files and I wish to know the methodology to create a loop formula. Put your processing in a function, and call it like this datafiles = dir(../raw) for(file in datafiles) {

Re: [R] Suppressing internal grid in filled.contour

2008-10-29 Thread Dieter Menne
Jonathan Greenberg greenberg at writes: ..faint internal grid when running the following command to make a filled contour plot of some data I have (x,y,z being the inputs): filled.contour(interp(x,y,z,duplicate=strip, xo=seq(1800,3200,length=57), yo=seq(120,280,length=65)),

Re: [R] repeated measure one way anova

2008-10-28 Thread Dieter Menne
JohnLi jli136 at writes: I am a new comer for Statistics R. I am using R for one way repeated measure anova, for example, on the following data consisting of three groups. c2c3 c4 85.83 75.86 84.19 85.91 73.18 85.9 -- Arrange your data in the long form. Do

Re: [R] Transferring results from R to MS Word

2008-10-28 Thread Dieter Menne
Tom Backer Johnsen backer at writes: There are also some parts of the documentation that I do not understand. The list of functions includes things like HTML.lm, as far as I can see are invisible, both in respect to documentation and usage. This might be relic of a function

Re: [R] utilize the R to write something on txt file

2008-10-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Abelian abelian1982 at writes: i have to utilize the R to report the simulation result by txt file. However, i have to write some introduction and explanination before the result. by the way,, there are variables follow with Input directory name: Output directory name:, The

Re: [R] map points from scatterplot3d onto 2d fitted plane

2008-10-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Jacqueline Hall jacqueline.a.hall at writes: I have a 3D scatter plot that I have generated from scatterplot3d (which looks great- thanks!) and I can see that the points in my graph fall in a Is there a package/function that can help me do this that I have missed? or does

Re: [R] How to (simply) add table-values to a mosaicplot ?

2008-10-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Tal Galili tal.galili at writes: I am looking for a way to add table values (from a table object) into a mosaic plot of that table (which is produced by the mosaicplot command on the table object). (nice self-running example removed) I suggest that you switch to package vcd and

Re: [R] odfWeave error

2008-10-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Rob James rob at writes: Post-processing the contents Error in .Call(RS_XML_Parse, file, handlers, endElementHandlers, as.logical(addContext), : attempt to apply non-function This might be similar to: and could

Re: [R] 3-D (surface) B-splines

2008-10-23 Thread Dieter Menne
Wang, Zhaoming (NIH/NCI) [C] wangzha at writes: Is there any R package which can do 3-D splines (reconstruct a surface interp in package akima. I you do not insist on splines, also check interp.loess (tgp ?). Dieter __

Re: [R] Help with lattice

2008-10-23 Thread Dieter Menne
Nelson, Gary (FWE Gary.Nelson at writes: xyplot(Z~year|labels,group=as.factor(river),xlab=Year,ylab=Age-based Z, data=data1,scales=free,ylim=c(0,4),xlim=c(1960,2010), par.settings = list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = c(1,2,3,4,5,16,10,6,87,83),cex=0.9,

Re: [R] MCMC for sampling from ordinal logistic regression

2008-10-23 Thread Dieter Menne
reezwan you reez88 at writes: Is there a R-function that can generate samples from the posterior distribution of an ordered logistic regression model (just like MCMCoprobit from MCMCpack in R). I am confused. What's missing in the output of MCMCpack? library(MCMCpack) x1 -

Re: [R] For loop - how to assign i when it is not an element of an index?

2008-10-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Scotty Nelson poorboy44 at writes: I'm trying to build a for loop, where I estimate a series of models with different sets of (time series) data. However my for loop doesn't recognize the i # code

Re: [R] how to plot the histogram and the curve in the same graph

2008-10-21 Thread Dieter Menne
leo_wa kwngai6022 at writes: i want to plot the histogram and the curve in the same graph.if i have a set of data ,i plot the histogram and also want to see what distribution it was.So i want to plot the curve to know what distribution it like. See the example under

Re: [R] Getting names of variables without quotes

2008-10-18 Thread Dieter Menne
Amarjit Singh Sethi set_alt at writes: I am seeking your help in somehow getting names of variables without quotes ( ). Let us say, we have a table with 3 variables V1, V2 and V3. After the table is read, I get names of the variables (thro' the following code) as under quotes

Re: [R] Lattice key title color

2008-10-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Meesters, Erik Erik.Meesters at writes: is there a way to define the color of the title for the legend in lattice? Getting the right par to set in lattice can be intimidating. I keep the result of trellis.par.get() in a text file and search for the closest match. Dieter

Re: [R] Lattice key title color

2008-10-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Greg Snow Greg.Snow at writes: Another way to look through the possible par settings that hopefully makes it a little less intimidating is (completed by DM): library(lattice) library(TeachingDemos) TkListView(trellis.par.get()) Nice; should come handy in other contexts. But with

Re: [R] Lattice key title color

2008-10-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at writes: str(trellis.par.get()) Never thought of that. Really nice. Dieter __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] Lattice key title color

2008-10-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at writes: All of which doesn't really answer the original question. ... So, the title color cannot be currently specified, either directly or through the settings system. Krrr.. it was key$title Dieter

Re: [R] AIC score

2008-10-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Just mgjust at writes: I ran AIC for some competing models I created. I get df and an AIC score from the AIC procedure. Can I use the models with the lowest AIC scores from this procedure to choose my 'best' models? Depends. You told us nothing. Have you tried to search the

Re: [R] library MICE warning message

2008-10-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Αργυρώ Ανταράκη arantarak at writes: imp-mice(mydata, im=c(,pmm,logreg,logreg),m=5) for a variable with no missing data, a numeric one and two variables with binary data. I got the following message: There were 37 warnings (use warnings() to see them) warnings() Warning

Re: [R] Logistic Regression - Interpreting SENS (Sensitiv ity) and SPEC (Specificity)

2008-10-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Maithili Shiva maithili_shiva at writes: I havd main sample of 42500 clentes and based on their status as regards to defaulted / non - defaulted, I have genereted the probability of default. I have a hold out sample of 5000 clients. I have calculated (1) No of correctly classified

Re: [R] predicting from a local regression and plotting in lattice

2008-10-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Alex Karner aakarner at writes: I realize these limitations. However, I know that my actual dataset is reasonably well behaved in the range I want to predict, and I'm not using the predicted values for any further analysis, only for schematic purposes in the plot. I'm still

Re: [R] Logistic Regression - Interpreting SENS (Sensitivity) and SPEC (Specificity)

2008-10-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at writes: But if he has a hold out sample, isn't he already cross-validating?? I wonder if you're answering the right question there. Could he just be looking for Sp=Gg/(Gg+Bg), Se=Bb/(Gb+Bb)? (If I got the notation right.) You are right. My

Re: [R] Fw: Logistic regresion - Interpreting (SENS) and (SPEC)

2008-10-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Pedro.Rodriguez at writes: There are two good papers that illustrate how to compare classifiers using Sensitivity and Specificity and their extensions (e.g., likelihood ratios, young index, KL distance, etc). See: 1) Biggerstaff, Brad, 2000, Comparing diagnostic tests: a

Re: [R] subsetting dataframe by rownames to be excluded

2008-10-13 Thread Dieter Menne
Prof Brian Ripley ripley at writes: Yes: DF[, exclude_me)), ] Assuming everything is possible in R: would it be possible to make the below work without breaking existing code? a - data.frame(x=1:10) rownames(a) = letters[1:10] exclude = c(a,c)

Re: [R] Sweave-LaTEX question

2008-10-12 Thread Dieter Menne
cls59 sharpsteen at writes: The final piece is a good TeX-aware editor, for windows I prefer WinEdt: I would like to add Tinn-R. However, if you are running something like an optimization routine which takes five minutes, you will be waiting five minutes every time you typeset the

Re: [R] predicting from a local regression and plotting in lattice

2008-10-11 Thread Dieter Menne
Alex Karner aakarner at writes: I'm trying to (1) plot loess lines for each of my groupings using the same color for each group; (2) plot loess predicted values. The first part is easy: .. Example removed... Thanks, it was a good example of what you wanted! My question is,

Re: [R] how to store lme/lmer fit result

2008-10-10 Thread Dieter Menne
liujb liujulia7 at writes: I am building a hierarchical model on a large data set. It can take quite some time to finish one fit, I was just wondering whether it is possible to store the fit object (the result) to a file for later (offline) analysis. Like with any other R object,

Re: [R] Leap year?

2008-10-10 Thread Dieter Menne
rkevinburton at writes: Given a Date object or simply a year is there an R function to tell me if the it is a leap year or not? I was hoping for something like 'is.leapyear'. I probably can build my own function (year divisible by 4 etc.) but I would rather use an existing

Re: [R] help

2008-10-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Vijaykumar Muley vijay.muley at writes: I like to draw a cluster tree with a hclust and plot command. But,instead of labels, it is giving number of variables in dendogram. Could anyone tell me , how to print the labels of variables used for drawing. Thank you. Please post str(of

Re: [R] lme and lmer df's and F-statistics again

2008-10-08 Thread Dieter Menne
Bert Gunter gunter.berton at writes: I think we owe Doug Bates a little more respect than that! If you check my postings on the forum and on my homepage (subject: Gastric Emptying), you will find that there are few people that pay so much respect to Douglas Bates' contributions than I

Re: [R] Suspicious output from lme4-mcmcsamp

2008-10-08 Thread Dieter Menne
De Woody J.A. j.dewoody at writes: For instance: fm1 - lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy) sm1 - mcmcsamp(fm1, 5000) Error in .local(object, n, verbose, ...) : Code for non-trivial theta_T not yet written Douglas Bates mentions this as a reminder to himself

Re: [R] par(new = TRUE) - overplotting

2008-10-08 Thread Dieter Menne
Antje niederlein-rstat at writes: I want to create some boxplots (as png) within an lapply method. To get nice gridlines behind the boxplot, I plotted it twice and therefore I set par(new=TRUE). This works nicely for the first plot but the second does plot on the first plot

Re: [R] Space between bars in barplot

2008-10-08 Thread Dieter Menne
mentor_ mentor_ at writes: with the space parameter it is possible to change the gap / distance between the bars, but is it also possible to change the space after each 6th bar? So for example you have bars from 1 to 6 then a large gap and then the next six bars from 7 to 12 Space

Re: [R] fitting a curve to data points

2008-10-07 Thread Dieter Menne
carlos.grohmann at writes: Hello all. This is likely to be a silly question, but I have a set of data points and I want to fit a curve to it, like this: While you could use a loess-curve, interpreting the rising branch a the end

Re: [R] lme and lmer df's and F-statistics again

2008-10-07 Thread Dieter Menne
Julia S. julia.schroeder at writes: Now, I did that in my article and I got a response from a reviewer that I additionally should give the degrees of freedom, and the F-statistics. From what I read here, that would be incorrect to do, and I sort of intuitively also understand why

Re: [R] R and computer heat

2008-10-07 Thread Dieter Menne
Alexandre Aguiar asaguiar at writes: I noticed the temperature of my laptop rises sharply during execution of a long R script that generates several hundred plots, all of them saved to files. No screen output. Temps reached above 90 Celsius degrees in the box and above

Re: [R] R squared value for a line on a plot

2008-10-07 Thread Dieter Menne
Georgina Sarah Humphreys g.humphreys.1 at writes: Does anyone know how to retrieve the R squared value for a line on a graph? The balloon rule Dieter __ mailing list

Re: [R] Error in Q-Q plot

2008-10-06 Thread Dieter Menne
Megh Dal megh74 at writes: library(sn) library(car) dat1 = rst(1000, 0, 1, 0, 2) qq.plot(dat1, st, 0, 1, 0, 9) Error in plot.window(...) : invalid value specified for graphical parameter las You have set parameter las (the 6th) to 9, and only values 0 and 1 are

Re: [R] question on lmList

2008-10-06 Thread Dieter Menne
eugen pircalabelu eugen_pircalabelu at writes: Using the lmList function from “nlme package” I get the following error message: “Error in !unlist(lapply(sum.lst, is.null)) : invalid argument type” try str(zz) to check if your data are strange. And plot the data, maybe there is

Re: [R] fft inverse display help

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
rkevinburton at writes: ff - complex(length(fs)) ff[9] - fs[9] ff[5] - fs[5] Include the DC component: ff[1] - fs[1] Take the inverse fi - fft(ff, inverse=TRUE) / length(ff) Plot plot(fi) Notice that the plot is the Re vs. Im on the x and y axis'

Re: [R] Multiple hist(ograms) - One plot

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Just mgjust at writes: I am trying to plot multiple histograms with the same scales, etc into one plot. The commands below produce a 3 page PDF with each histogram occupying the upper right quadrant. And use slightly different scales on the X and Y axes. I suggest that you

Re: [R] pvals.fnc in lme4 and languageR

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Daniela Reicheneder Daniela.Reicheneder at writes: I was using the function pvals.fnc from package 'languageR' until April. I do not know which version. Yesterday I updated all my packages and tried to run my loop again. Now I get the following error message: error

Re: [R] Multiple hist(ograms) - One plot

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Just mgjust at writes: sc_recov.21 - dat[dat$sc_recov=21,] Be careful: it should be ==, not = when want a comparison. df = data.frame(grp = letters[1:5],val=rnorm(100)) dfab = df[df$grp==a | df$grp==b,] # The simple way with or dfcde = df[df$grp %in% c(c,d,e),] # The

Re: [R] Problem with read.table()

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Joan-Josep Vallbé pep.vallbe at writes: I'm a new user and I'm trying to use read.table with a tab delimited file but the system tells me (i) that there are more columns than column names, and (ii) that headers and col.names are of different lengths. I have already checked my

Re: [R] fft inverse display help

2008-10-02 Thread Dieter Menne
rkevinburton at writes: My question is how does 'plot' know to implicilty call the plot.ts (in the case of the full exact spectrum being fed back into the inverse? So the title should be How does the specific incarnation of object orientation in R work? Try, for example, section

Re: [R] fft inverse display help

2008-10-01 Thread Dieter Menne
rkevinburton at writes: I have a a simple function that generates a time series square wave: Your example is not self-running, because the definition of e is unclear. Now I ge the x-asis as the real component and y-axis as imaginary component. When does the display switch?

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