Re: [R] Significance testing for paired counts data with small sample

2008-03-04 Thread Dieter Menne
michael watson (IAH-C michael.watson at writes: The data is counts of a particular molecule in different cell types taken from the same 5 subjects. The data are paired as they come from the same subject. The aim is to determine whether the cell types differ in terms of the

Re: [R] Imputation Packages

2008-03-02 Thread Dieter Menne
ArunPrasad agurubar at writes: I am looking for a package in R which can help me in using the imputation technique to find the missing values for my regression analysis. The recommended search for imputation in r-project gave me 400 citations. I assume you have tried

[R] Getting Keypressed State in rgl

2008-02-29 Thread Dieter Menne
Dear Rglers, when using a callback in rgl (Windows, if it matters) I would like to get the Asynchronous keyboard status (as least Shift/Control, but preferably other key) to set markers in a plot. getGraphicsEvents seems to be

Re: [R] AIC and anova, lme

2008-02-26 Thread Dieter Menne
Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at writes: Dear listers, Here we have a strange result we can hardly cope with. We want to compare a null mixed model with a mixed model with one independent variable. lmmedt1-lme(mediane~1, random=~1|site, na.action=na.omit,

Re: [R] Custom LaTeX tables

2008-02-26 Thread Dieter Menne
Werner Wernersen pensterfuzzer at writes: I am very happy that I have Sweave and R to write my papers. But I still have to do some tables by hand since I have not found out how I can customize the latex tables produced by R further (I mainly use xtable()). Like for instance, I have

Re: [R] Reading a file created with Fortran

2008-02-26 Thread Dieter Menne
Ben Bolker bolker at writes: Perhaps read.fwf is what you want? (fwf stands for fixed width format). You would have to work out the field widths, but it would seem to be pretty straightforward). [A little bit of extra verbiage will make gmane happier ...] Ben Bolker

Re: [R] Function for linear mixed model with gamma-distribu ted random effects?

2008-02-22 Thread Dieter Menne
Christopher Hatherly Christopher.Hatherly at writes: I am trying to fit an ellipse equation to some spatial human factors data, varying the major and minor axes randomly and specifying an exp~ variogram for errors. Using normally-distributed random effects produces some -ve

Re: [R] overdrawing a plot

2008-02-20 Thread Dieter Menne
Gallego Liberman, Matias m.gallego at writes: When using grid.edit inside a pdf device it applies the changes on a second plot, not erasing the first one. .. DF-data.frame(A=c(1:12),B=c(1:12)*c(rnorm(12,mean=1)),C=2*c(1:12),D=re p(c(1:4),each=3))

Re: [R] regression with error in predictor

2008-02-19 Thread Dieter Menne
Irene Mantzouni ima at writes: I am trying to run a regression where the predictor values are not real data but each is estimated from a different model. So, for each value I have a mean and variance. Which package/function should I use in this case? See the Dobson example in

Re: [R] Kaplan Meier function

2008-02-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Eleni Christodoulou elenichri at writes: I am trying to draw a Kaplan-Meier curve and I found online that Kaplan - Meier estimates are computed with a function called km in the event package. Is there an update for that because when I choose to download packages in R,. there is no

Re: [R] passing username and password to source()

2008-02-13 Thread Dieter Menne
[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team webmaster at writes: Please, is it possible to pass an username and a password to source() to access code stored in restricted access web server? I know I can use commands like...

Re: [R] passing username and password to source()

2008-02-13 Thread Dieter Menne
[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team webmaster at writes: But considering I am just newbie, could you point me to any example to get this working? Thanks! I was thinking of something like this (note: you must store PassEnv2.r on disk as a file). # File PassEnv.r

Re: [R] Logistic regression with repeated measures

2008-02-11 Thread Dieter Menne
Steven Vamosi smvamosi at writes: In a nutshell, the experiment involved presenting females from two groups (treatment, control) with an opportunity to mate with a virgin male every 6 hours for 48 hours. Every female was presented this opportunity at every time step (i.e., whether

Re: [R] The function predict

2008-02-11 Thread Dieter Menne
Carla Rebelo crebelo at writes: May you help me? I need to understand the function predict. I need to understand the algorithm implemented, the calculations associated. Where can I find this information? In the documentation: predict is a generic function for predictions from

Re: [R] Question

2008-02-09 Thread Dieter Menne
Alexander Ovodenko alexander.ovodenko at writes: I have recently started learning R. I converted a Stata datafile into an R image file, but I am unable to do anything with the data. You probably forgot to read in the data; converting alone does not help. Try ls() to get a list

Re: [R] setting up directorie and packages at the startup

2008-02-04 Thread Dieter Menne
Lassana TOURE lassana.toure at writes: Can someone help me how to set up a directory and load additional packages at the startup than I do not have to do it each time I go to R session. It depends on your system and the type of installation, but searching for .Rprofile in the manuals

Re: [R] use classificators learned in R in

2008-02-04 Thread Dieter Menne
sich at writes: I am interested in using R for machine learning (supervised classification). Currently, I have been investigating especially the rpart, tree, and randomForest package, and have achieved first results. are there any experiences, how the learned classificators could

Re: [R] Cannot save histogram picture when run from script

2008-02-01 Thread Dieter Menne
Ng Stanley stanleyngkl at writes: I am faced with a strange problem. My picture file is empty when the following statements were run from R script. But the picture file shows up correctly, when the commands are individually run from Rgui. png(file=histogram_correlation.png, bg =

Re: [R] hist combines two lowest categories -- is there a workaround?

2008-01-31 Thread Dieter Menne
Ben Fairbank BEN at SSANET.COM writes: When preparing a series of histograms I found that hist was combining the two lowest categories or bins, 1 and 2. Specifying breaks, as illustrated below, resulted in the correct histogram: values - sample(10,500,replace=TRUE) hist(values)

Re: [R] R-help going to become subscriber-only

2008-01-31 Thread Dieter Menne
Martin Maechler maechler at writes: The consequence of this will be that .. before the weekend .. only __e-mail addresses__ subscribed to R-help will be allowed to post to R-help without any moderation, and we are even considering outright rejection all non-subscribers,

Re: [R] R-help going to become

2008-01-31 Thread Dieter Menne
Duncan Murdoch murdoch at writes: It's worth mentioning that you can be subscribed and have no mail delivered: just check Disabled in the mail delivery options on the subscription page. That's what anyone using gmane should do, so that they can still post without requiring

Re: [R] R-help going to become subscriber-only

2008-01-31 Thread Dieter Menne
hadley wickham h.wickham at writes: Unless nabble/gmane have hefty anti-spam protection in place, spammers will misuse those services. A centralised target is just too tempting. Works well for gmane. You must be subscribed, and you have to enter a word from a blurbed

Re: [R] How to run interaction between to categoric variables in lme()?

2008-01-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Falco tinnunculus kestrel78 at writes: How do I run interaction between to categoric variables in lme()? I tried this: lmefit1- lme(Handling ~Mass+factor(Prey)+factor (Decap)+ factor(Prey)*factor(Decap), random = ~ 1 |Place, data=nestling1) Error in MEEM(object, conLin,

Re: [R] nlsList (nlme) error

2008-01-25 Thread Dieter Menne
Rick DeShon deshon at writes: .. When I use nlsList code that is virtually identical to the example in the doc file I get the following error. .. Error in nlsList.formula(RT ~ SSasymp(trial, Asym, R0, lrc), data =, : Data must be a groupedData object if

Re: [R] Maximum entropy spectral analysis

2008-01-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Nuno Prista nmprista at writes: Is there on R a package containing Maximum entropy spectral analysis function? Burg and Yule-Walker are in Dieter __ mailing list

Re: [R] How can I display an entire large output?

2008-01-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Daniel S. Ott dott at writes: I have been working with a mixed effects model in R where I have a lot of fixed effects with a lot of variables. When I use the summary command I can only view the end of the output with the intraclass correlations and distribution of

Re: [R] Repeated Measures/Split-Plot Anova

2008-01-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Dan Ott ott at writes: My name is Dan Ott and I recently learned R mainly for the purposing of running ANOVA's and linear regression. I just started using a data set where I want to run a repeated measures anova as well as a split-plot anova. My question is: What is the syntax

Re: [R] Overlay plots from different data sets using the La ttice package

2008-01-15 Thread Dieter Menne
hadley wickham h.wickham at writes: qplot(vals, ..density.., data = data.frame.A, geom=histogram, facets = factor.1 ~ factor.2, binwidth = 1) + geom_density(data=data.frame.B) uhh.. how should I understand y (?)=..density.. Dieter __

Re: [R] general linear hypothesis glht() to work with lme()

2008-01-10 Thread Dieter Menne
array chip arrayprofile at writes: (Real names are prefered here) I am trying to test some contrasts, using glht() in multcomp package on fixed effects in a linear mixed model fitted with lme() in nlme package. The command I used is: data=dat) glht(dat.lme, linfct = mcp(type

[R] `[.data.frame`(df3, , -2) and NA col umns

2008-01-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Dear baseRs, I recently made a mistake when renaming data frame columns, accidentally creating an NA column. I found the following strange behavior when negative indexes are used. Can anyone explain what happens here. No workarounds required, just curious. Dieter Version: Windows, R version

Re: [R] problem when extacting columns of a data frame in a new data frame

2008-01-08 Thread Dieter Menne
Delphine Fontaine delphine.fontaine at writes: I would like to create a new data frame composed of 2 columns of another data frame. But it does not give me what I want... casesCNST[1:10,] case X1 X2 X3 X4 expected 1A1 0 0 0 0E 2A2 0 0 0 1C

[R] Windows Shell Command under Vista

2008-01-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Dear R2008, In Windows 2000, I used the following shell extension to allow right-click rgui start in a directory (assuming rgui.exe is on the path: - REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Run R] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Run R\command] @=Rgui.exe --no-restore --no-save

Re: [R] Windows Shell Command under Vista

2008-01-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at writes: How are you starting up the command line? If I position myself to the right side of the Windows Explorer window in Vista and press Shift-RightClick and then choose Open Command Window Here then the command window comes up instantaneously

Re: [R] hierarchical linear models, mixed models and lme

2007-12-20 Thread Dieter Menne
Nicolas Ris Nicolas.Ris at writes: I am trying to analyse the data of the box 10.5 in the Biometry from Sokal and Rohlf (2001) using R. This is a three-level nested anova with equal sample size : 3 different treatments are compared ; 2 rats (coded 1 or 2) / treatment are

Re: [R] polar orientation significance test

2007-12-16 Thread Dieter Menne
Milton Cezar Ribeiro milton_ruser at writes: I would like to test if are there some significant orientation of frequencies on a polar analysis. Check packages CircStats and circular. Dieter __ mailing list

Re: [R] Viewport and grid.draw

2007-12-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at writes: Try looking at the first example in for inspiration. May I suggest to use instead. Nice. Dieter

Re: [R] Estimating the variability of a population by one sample?

2007-12-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Tony zeng xh.along at writes: I am meetting one problem.I am estimating the variability of a population using one sample.I must do two-side and one-side hypothesis test,and estimate the confidence interval,But I don't know which function I can use ! You should describe

Re: [R] Sweave : change value in rnw file to generate multiple single reports ?

2007-12-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Ptit_Bleu ptit_bleu at writes: ... Is there a way to pass arguments to Sweave like Sweave(myfile.rnw, namevar=Device2) and it will change namevar by Device2 into the file myfile.rnw before creating the .tex file ? Or is it possible to do it via another language, that is: loading the

Re: [R] the observed log odds in logistic regression

2007-12-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Bin Yue leffgh at writes: After reading the following two links: I've known the mathematical basis for logistic regression.However I am still not so sure about the

Re: [R] Getting estimates from survfit.coxph

2007-12-09 Thread Dieter Menne
Mark Wardle mark at writes: I'm having difficulty getting access to data generated by survfit and print.survfit when they are using with a Cox model (survfit.coxph). I would like to programmatically access the median survival time for each strata together with the 95% confidence

Re: [R] Frequency and Phase Spectrograms

2007-12-06 Thread Dieter Menne
Todd Remund tkremund98 at writes: I know that there is a function, (spectro3D), that produces the Power Spectrogram. Are there R functions that produce the Frequency Spectrogram and the Phase Spectrogram? Thank you for your time. fft in stats gives you all you need, possibly

Re: [R] Using expression in Hmisc Key()

2007-12-06 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Kubovy kubovy at writes: This is one of the cases where I wish there were a function that exercised all the arguments of a graphics function by visualizing the effect of changing two or three levels of each argument (one by one, of course). This might have the

Re: [R] R help mailing system configuration change?

2007-12-06 Thread Dieter Menne
정 태훈 hoontaechung at writes: I got a reply for my previous several postings saying that I was spamming the r-help mailing list. I am very sorry to all subscribers if I did that. But I've been reposting my message to the mailing list several times because I didn't know whether

Re: [R] Using expression in Hmisc Key()

2007-12-05 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Kubovy kubovy at writes: Dear r-helpers, How do I tell xYplot() and Key() that I want the labels in italic? Key(x = 0.667, y = 0.833, other = list(title = expression(italic(v)), cex.title = 1, labels = c(expression(italic(b)), expression(italic(c)),

Re: [R] Multiple stacked barplots on the same graph?

2007-12-04 Thread Dieter Menne
Stéphane CRUVEILLER scruveil at writes: I would like to know whether it is possible to draw several stacked barplots (i.e. side by side on the same sheet)... my data look like : Cond1 Cond1' Cond2 Cond2' Compartment 111,812,05

Re: [R] lmer and method call

2007-12-01 Thread Dieter Menne
Douglas Bates bates at writes: (lmer) The default is PQL, to refine the starting estimates, followed by optimization of the Laplace approximation. In some cases it is an advantage to suppress the PQL iterations which can be done with one of the settings for the control

Re: [R] Sweave: Variables in code chunk headers

2007-12-01 Thread Dieter Menne
Michael Hoffman b3i4old02 at writes: I would like to be able to do something like this: echo=F,fig=T,width=mywidth= ... @ with mywidth set in a previous code chunk. Is there a way to do this in Sweave? Not in the , but you could set a hook for fig: From

Re: [R] ftable as latex (with Hmisc?)

2007-11-29 Thread Dieter Menne
Richard M. Heiberger rmh at writes: I think this does what you are asking for. It should be relatively easy to write a method latex.ftable() based on this. One or two row.vars and one or two col.vars should be straightforward (with n.rgroup and n.cgroup used for the

Re: [R] Question about using “par”

2007-11-29 Thread Dieter Menne
cathelf cathelf at writes: Sorry for bothering your guys again. I am trying to use par to put 6 figures into 3 rows and 2 columns. My code is: op - par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) xyplot(x1+x2+x3 ~ y, data=resulta, type=l, pch=LETTERS[1:3], lty=c(1:3), main=For k=3, theata1=1)

Re: [R] Question on structuring variances using the lme4 package

2007-11-29 Thread Dieter Menne
Catherine A. Holt caholt at writes: I am modeling the effects of an environmental variable (X) on fish recruitment (Y) for several, ecologically related species (i) using a mixed-effects model. The linear relationship between X and Y includes a fixed effect that is common

Re: [R] ggplot2 melt function value

2007-11-28 Thread Dieter Menne
Felipe Carrillo mazatlanmexico at writes: Hi:I recently started using the melt function and found that it is very useful and powerful,however I can't seem to find the way to change the default column header value to my custom column name. melted data are data frames. You can

Re: [R] ftable as latex (with Hmisc?)

2007-11-26 Thread Dieter Menne
Dieter Menne wrote: I tried to create an ftable lookalike of the following data set in LaTeX/Sweave with summary(formula,..), but I could not get it to work for count tables; numeric tables work fine. summary(formula,...,fun=table) does not give the full cross breakdown. Frank E

Re: [R] anova planned comparisons/contrasts

2007-11-23 Thread Dieter Menne
Tyler Smith tyler.smith at writes: I'm trying to figure out how anova works in R by translating the examples in Sokal And Rohlf's (1995 3rd edition) Biometry. I've hit a snag with planned comparisons, their box 9.4 and section 9.6. It's a basic anova design: how to do

Re: [R] Date and lattice

2007-11-19 Thread Dieter Menne
Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at writes: I just encountered a strange behaviour trying to plot lattice xyplot with dates on x axis xyplot(rnorm(10)~seq(as.Date(2000/1/1), by=month, length=10)|sample(1:2, 10, replace=T)) Warning message: applied to non-(list or vector)

Re: [R] Problem in R 2.6.0 for windows ?

2007-11-19 Thread Dieter Menne
Caio Azevedo cnaberdl at writes: When I try to save a plot in a PDF format, using R 2.6.0 for windows, it appears the following message Error: Invalid font type Warning messages: 1: font family not found in PostScript font database 2: font family not found in PostScript font

Re: [R] Extracting x-values from an ecdf

2007-11-16 Thread Dieter Menne
Benjamin Zuckerberg bzuckerb at writes: After having produced a cumulative distribution using ecdf, I would like to extract the exact x-value for a given percentile. For example I can ascertain the 1st and 3rd quartile using the summary function: cawa.cdp - ecdf(cawaocc$LEFF80)

Re: [R] what is the right way to obtain frequencies of vector values?

2007-11-15 Thread Dieter Menne
Vlad Skvortsov vss at writes: Let's say I have vector x with positive integer values ranging from 1 to N. I need to obtain another vector y of size N where y[i] contains the number of times value i occurs in x. It is in a sense similar to hist() (with appropriate number of breaks)

Re: [R] Error while calculating AOV

2007-11-15 Thread Dieter Menne
apsawant apsawant at writes: I am trying to run a simple example script to calculate AOV. Below is the script file (aov.R) I am trying to execute: aov.R -- aov(rt - shape * color + Error(subj/(shape * color)), data=Hays.df) summary(aov(rt - shape * color +

Re: [R] Newbie question about data preparation

2007-11-14 Thread Dieter Menne
Heidemeier Dr, Joachim joachim.heidemeier at writes: ... For the analyses of the data I want to group one column (like the classes in a histogram). So I'd like to add one column with the center of each group with width=2 for an x value in the interval of the class. So the output

Re: [R] Problem with R version 2.6.0

2007-11-09 Thread Dieter Menne
Dimitri Liakhovitski ld7631 at writes: I just installed R 2.6.0 (had R 2.5 before). Here is my problem. Usually, when I work with R I first go to File-Change dir and browse to a folder that seats OUTSIDE of the folder C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.0 and then create my script there

Re: [R] translating R code to C code

2007-11-06 Thread Dieter Menne
Pedro Mardones mardones.p at writes: I would like to try to implement a big series of nested loops in a C code and then call it from R; however I'm not familiar with C programming. Does anyone know about some sort of reference I can use that help me to translate my code to C? (I'm

Re: [R] Why can repeated measures anova with within between subjects design not be done if group sizes are unbalanced?

2007-11-06 Thread Dieter Menne
Charles C. Berry cberry at writes: As the posting guide suggests, you could perform a search using RSiteSearch(repeated measures, restric=functions) say. That generates an inventory of functions that pertain to repeated measures designs. The problem I noted in practice

Re: [R] Shading area under PDF of t -distribution

2007-11-02 Thread Dieter Menne
Chung-hong Chan chainsawtiney at writes: I have plot the PDF of t distribution with df = 74. curve(dt(x,df=74),from=-4, to=4) how can I shade the area under curve (for example, col=red) from t=+- 1.996? If you could used lattice plots instead, below is a modified version of the

Re: [R] How to test combined effects?

2007-10-30 Thread Dieter Menne
Gang Chen gangchen at writes: Suppose I have a mixed-effects model where yij is the jth sample for the ith subject: yij= beta0 + beta1(age) + beta2(age^2) + beta3(age^3) + beta4(IQ) + beta5(IQ^2) + beta6(age*IQ) + beta7(age^2*IQ) + beta8(age^3 *IQ) +random

Re: [R] Package Build fails: make ./help: no such file or directory

2007-10-25 Thread Dieter Menne
Dieter Menne dieter.menne at writes: Trying again with a minimal example. When I run the following batch file under Windows 2000, R 2.6.0, I get the error message below. Rtools are installed and at the front of the path. rem Begin test package; File test.cmd rem Check

[R] Package Build fails: make ./help: no such file or directory

2007-10-24 Thread Dieter Menne
Dear List, After having installed R 2.6.0/Windows 2000, my trusted command script to build and install my package fails with an error message I do not understand. I have installed a fresh copy of Rtools, and made sure that these are the first on the path. For testing, I am using a package version

Re: [R] exporting text output to pdf

2007-10-21 Thread Dieter Menne
Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at writes: Look at the xtable package and latex in the Hmisc package. On 10/21/07, Jesse D Lecy jdlecy at wrote: .. I am new to R and I am trying to figure out how to print text output from an operation like table() to a pdf file.

Re: [R] weird (?) resid(.) from 2-level lme()

2007-10-11 Thread Dieter Menne
Irene Mantzouni ima at writes: I am trying to fit a 2-level hierarchical lme(). I can extract ranef() and coef() without problems for levels=1:2. However, when it comes to resid() at level=2, the resulting list has some unnamed entries (label=NA). I checked with my data (NAs have

Re: [R] Setting qplot default options

2007-10-11 Thread Dieter Menne
hadley wickham h.wickham at writes: On 10/10/07, Christoph Krammer ck at wrote: is there a possibility to set default options to qplot? Sure. It's a bit of hack, but: GeomPoint$default_aes - function(x) aes(shape=19, colour=red, size=5) will do what you want.

Re: [R] please help me

2007-10-10 Thread Dieter Menne
azadeh sadeghian a.sadeghian1386 at writes: I am student M.S. statistics in department statistics . I am working in the function nls in the [R 2.3.1] You should update to a more recent version of R (2.6.0 is current) with 246 data and want to fit the exp model to vectors( v and

Re: [R] simulated data using empirical distribution

2007-10-10 Thread Dieter Menne
Tom Sgouros tomfool at writes: What I have is twelve bins of data, and the population in each bin. The top bin is open-ended, and the whole distribution is more or less poisson-ish. I can think of a couple of ways to fake this ok, but is there a real R way to do it?

Re: [R] AlgDesign--exact and approximate design

2007-10-09 Thread Dieter Menne
sun flyhyena at writes: Another question is, I want to measure the main effects and at least two interactions, variables are factors, how do I ensure this in formula, ~.+v1:v2 +v3:v4 ? I would give something like the following a try (since you did not tell use where

[R] R 2.6.0 Windows/lme4 Rblas load problem

2007-10-05 Thread Dieter Menne
as expected under Windows. The path is correct, and Rblas.dll is present I made a copy of Rblas.dll in \bin naming it Rblas, and got it to work. I post this here since I don't know if this a problem of lme4 or rather the Windows-R-build. Dieter Menne __ R

Re: [R] fitted values in LMER for the fixed-effects only

2007-09-29 Thread Dieter Menne
On 9/28/07, Anouk Simard Anouk.Simard at wrote: I would like to extract the fitted values from a model using LMER but only for the fix portion of the model and not for the fix and random portion (e.g it is the procedure outpm or outp in SAS). .. Quoting Douglas Bates bates at

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