[R] ggplot2 and tikzDevice : problems with accents

2017-10-22 Thread Jacques Ropers
Hi all, I can't fathom why the accented "é" in the following ggplot2 graph makes R hangs when using tikzdevice,  whereas it works using simple pdf device. ## library(tikzDevice) library(ggplot2) options(tikzDefaultEngine = "luatex") tikzLualatexPackages =c(   "\\usepackage{tikz}\n",   "

[R] contrast in lme

2009-11-10 Thread Jacques Ropers
Dear R-users I'm modelling some longitudinal data (1 response variable measured at 6 occasions, 1 baseline, one "treatment" variable) collected in the same subjects using the following model: library(nlme) model.lme <- lme(response ~ V0+ time+ tt + tt:time, random = ~1|subject, correlation = corS

[R] Rmpi issue

2009-06-04 Thread Jacques ROPERS
Dear R users, I am trying to use Rmpi in a Windows XP box to parallelize some simulations. Ultimately I would like to setup a small cluster of Win XP machines, but as a first step I only use one computer. Unfortunately Rgui crashes as soon as I call the function mpi.spawn.Rslaves() . Configurati

[R] Sweave and UTF8/Win XP

2008-09-29 Thread Jacques Ropers
Hi, I would like to feed Sweave with an UTF8 encoded file, and obtain an UTF8 TeX file (so that I can use XeTeX and its font handling facilities). I'm under Win XP. I guess this is a matter of locale config but I can't find the proper way. Thanks Jacques _