[R] Failed Convergence when using mi to generate synthetic data

2012-05-09 Thread Rob James
I was hoping to use mi to generate a synthetic version of a database. The strategy (see code below) was simple: use the diamonds dataset from ggplot2, subset it focus on 3K single-color, then create a blank record for every real record, and throw the new dataset at mi to see if it would

[R] Quantile scores as dependent variables.. an R and general method question

2012-02-28 Thread Rob James
I have a dataset that does not include native scores, but only serial quantile rankings for a set of units. Clearly these observations are dependent (in that you can't alter one observation without also altering others). Are there methods for dealing with quantile dependent variables. My atempt

[R] plot methods for summary of rms objects

2011-10-11 Thread Rob James
The integration of plot methods for various outputs from rms packages is a great appreciated aspect of the rms package. I particularly like to use: plot(summary(model)) for my own purposes, but... for publication/presentation I need to modify details like variable names, or the number of

[R] rms:fastbw variable selection differences with AIC .vs. p value methods

2011-08-19 Thread Rob James
I want to employ a parsimonious model to draw nomograms, as the full model is too complex to draw nomograms readily (several interactions of continuous variables). However, one interesting variable stays or leaves based on whether I choose p value or AIC options to fastbw(). My question

[R] When models and anova(model) disagree...

2011-06-15 Thread Rob James
I have a situation where the parameter estimates from lrm identify a binary predictor variable (X) as clearly non-significant (p0.3), but the ANOVA of that same model gives X a chi^2-df rank of 200, and adjudicates X and one interaction of X and a continuous measure as highly significant.

[R] Removal of elements from nomograms

2011-06-02 Thread Rob James
The rms package includes the nomogram function, which generates a list object that can be passed to plot for graphical production of nomograms. I would like to remove the linear predictor line in the graph, which means (I suspect) removing it from the nomogram output object. I've looked at

[R] Nomograms from rms' fastbw output objects

2011-04-28 Thread Rob James
the technical or the theoretical issues. Many thanks in advance, Rob James __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented

[R] Baseline terms for lrm

2011-01-18 Thread Rob James
Dear R-help and Prof. Harrell: My question concerns the baseline state for continuous variable in lrm() within the RMS package. I have a model which can be reduced to: lrm(FT ~ rcs(V1, c(0, 1,5)) The model makes perfect sense if the baseline state is where V1=5 but the model makes no sense

Re: [R] Baseline terms for lrm

2011-01-18 Thread Rob James
I should rephrase my question. When using the notation rcs(V1, N) within the lrm function in the rms package, the associated model reports out N-1 values for the associated variable. Fine. The rcs-constructed temporary variables are denoted V1, V1', V1'' when one looks at the model output,

[R] Dealing with Latex output in Openoffice

2011-01-17 Thread Rob James
I am making considerable use of Harrell's rms package, but I do not use Latex for writing. (I have enough trouble convincing my co-authors to use Openoffice!). rms makes copious use of Latex output for various mixed graphical and text outputs, amongst other things. Does someone have a

[R] Reorder factor and address embedded escapes

2010-12-10 Thread Rob James
I am trying to reorder a factor variable that has embedded escape characters. The data begins as a csv file with a factor that includes embedded new line characters. By the time read.table has rendered it into a data frame, the variable now has an extra backslash. e.g. This\nLabel in the

[R] Recovering x/y coordinates from a scatterplot image

2010-10-15 Thread Rob James
Do I recall correctly that there is an R package that can take an image, and help one estimate the x/y coordinates? I can't find the package, thought it was an R-tool, but would appreciate any leads. Thanks, Rob __ R-help@r-project.org mailing

[R] XML getNodeSet syntax for PUBMED XML export

2010-09-08 Thread Rob James
I am looking for the syntax to capture XML tags marked with /DescriptorName MajorTopicYN=Y/ , but the combination of the internal space (between Name and Major and the embedded quote marks are defeating me. I can get all the DescriptorName tags, but these include both MajroTopicYN = Y and

[R] HMisc/rms package questions

2010-08-17 Thread Rob James
1) How does one capture the plots from the plsmo procedure? Simply inserting a routing call to a graphical device (such as jpeg, png, etc) and then running the plsmo procedure (and then dev.off()) does not route the output to the file system. 1b) Related to above, has anyone thought of

[R] Specifying interactions in rms package... error

2010-08-02 Thread Rob James
I am encountering an error I do not know how to debug. The error arises when I try to add an interaction term involving two continuous variables (defined using rcs functions) to an existing (and working) model. The new model reads: model5 - lrm( B_fainting ~ gender+ rcs(exactage, 7) +

[R] Fidelity of lattice graphics captured to jpeg or png

2010-04-29 Thread Rob James
I am generating images via lattice from Frank Harrell's RMS package. These images are characterized by coloured lines and grey-scale confidence intervals. I need to port them to Openoffice/etc, and have tried both png and jpeg (at high quality), but in neither format can I subsequently see

[R] Fidelity of lattice graphics captured to jpeg or png... followup

2010-04-29 Thread Rob James
Subsequent investigations (via GIMP) show that the problem is in OO, and now with the images themselves. Off to the OO forums. Original Message Subject:Fidelity of lattice graphics captured to jpeg or png Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 08:05:04 -0700 From: Rob James r

[R] logical(0) response from lrm

2010-04-25 Thread Rob James
What causes the error report: logical(0) to arise in the rms function lrm? Here's my data: But both the dependent and the independent variable seem fine... str(AABB) 'data.frame':1176425 obs. of 9 variables: $ sex : int 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ faint : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Re: [R] odfWeave XML error in post-processing

2009-10-10 Thread Rob James
Just to close out my earlier posting, I have identified and resolved the following odfWeave/XML error: xmlParseStartTag: invalid element name I used odfWeave to call various logistic regression models which included the above mentioned variable. odfWeave failed to generate the

Re: [R] odfWeave XML error in post-processing

2009-10-09 Thread Rob James
parser is seeing, the question is how they got into the document. So we need more to start diagnosing the problem. D. Rob James wrote: I've been happily building a file with odfWeave, and just as the hour draws nigh for it to be sent off, odfWeave or XML throws the following catastrophic error

[R] odfWeave XML error in post-processing

2009-10-08 Thread Rob James
I've been happily building a file with odfWeave, and just as the hour draws nigh for it to be sent off, odfWeave or XML throws the following catastrophic error: ...this is the tail of entirely uneventful processing of input file. 31 : term xml(label=LR_Fall_Model_Results) 32 : term

[R] Dependencies for binaries install of R 2.8.2 under Ubuntu 64 8.1 (Intrepid)

2009-01-14 Thread Rob James
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }I can't seem to perform an install from CRAN (stat.sfu.ca, specifically) for Ubuntu 64 8.1 (Intrepid) and 2.8.2 of R. Here is the log: Looks like some dependencies cannot be satisfied. Suggestions? Thanks in advance. sudo

Re: [R] Dependencies for binaries install of R 2.8.2 under Ubuntu 648.1 (Intrepid)

2009-01-14 Thread Rob James
Problem resolved. This error occurred because of a mixture of hardy and intrepid sources in my sources.list . Thanks to Phil Spector, Dirk Eddelbuettel and others for their input. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org

[R] Graphics for proportion within factor

2008-11-30 Thread Rob James
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }I am looking to draw what I hoped was a simple plot of proportion WITHIN a strata, save % males by site. I seem to be able to get proportion of males, by site, where the proportion is across the whole dataset, but not the

[R] odfWeave error

2008-10-23 Thread Rob James
odfWeave is throwing up a cryptic error, after successfully processing a file with a large number of figures (~30) and many \Sexpr{} calls. The error is (at least to me) cryptic. I am not sure where to look to correct this problem. Here's the error: Post-processing the contents Error in

[R] odfWeave error

2008-10-23 Thread Rob James
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On-Behalf-Of: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [R] odfWeave error Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This information is being sent at the recipient's request or with their specific