
After manipulate my data I have ended up with 5 different data frames with different number of observations but the same
number of variables (columns)

An example, if I write str(object1), I see this,

data.frame':   47 obs. of  3 variables:
$ ORF : Factor w/ 245 levels "YAL038W","YAL054C",..: 10 19 38 39 44 45 50 51 59 60 ...
$ mRNA   : num  0.891 1.148 1.202 1.479 1.445 ...
$ Protein: num  1.230 1.288 1.175 0.724 0.851 ..

'data.frame':   21 obs. of  3 variables:
$ ORF : Factor w/ 245 levels "YAL038W","YAL054C",..: 11 25 40 55 66 78 104 119 141 153 ...
$ mRNA   : num  0.794 0.741 0.676 1.047 0.912 ...
$ Protein: num  0.427 0.363 0.468 0.501 0.661 ...

using the column $ORF from each object , how can I compose/write the results in a file that contains columns with different length ?

I have tried to generate objects like
and then use cbind like,
but there is an error. Is there any other function I can use?

Thanks for the help


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