[R] Ynt: creating a time series

2023-10-16 Thread ahmet varlı
quot;, tz = "CET"), by = 60 * 15) # (365)*24*4=35040 - OK length(y2021) y2022 <- seq(from=as.POSIXct("2022-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "CET"), to=as.POSIXct("2022-11-26 23:45:00", tz = "CET"), by = 60 * 15) # (365-31-4)*24*4=31680 - OK length(y202

[R] creating a time series

2023-10-16 Thread ahmet varlı
Hello everyone, � had 15 minutes of data from 2017-11-02 13:30:00 to 2022-11-26 23:45:00 and number of data is 177647 � would like to ask why my time series are less then my expectation. baslangic <- as.POSIXct("2017-11-02 13:30:00", tz = "CET") bitis <- as.POSIXct("2022-11-26 23:45:00", tz

[R] calculating a linear regression for each grid cell. firstly

2020-09-09 Thread ahmet varlı
Hi all, for example, � have 4 raster data and � try to convert these rasters to 1 array and calculate a linear regression for each grid cell how can � do this? max_consecutive_days_1<- raster(ncol=94, nrow=192, xmn=-180, xmx=180, ymn=-90, ymx=90)

[R] calculating linear regression for each word cell

2020-09-03 Thread ahmet varlı
Hi all, I have 71 raster for each year. I am trying to convert all raster layer to 1 array (94 ,192 , 71) and then � would calculate for each word cell a linear regression that shows the change but i dont know how � can do this For creating array with rasters between 1949 and 2019

[R] find number of consecutive days in NC files by R

2020-08-06 Thread ahmet varlı
Hi all, There are 365 days of soil moisture NC files and I am trying to find out how many days the values are below and above this certain threshold are repeated by R. However, I couldn't reach exactly what I wanted. For example, Daily soil moisture is below 0.3 without interrupting how many

[R] find number of consecutive days in NC files

2020-08-05 Thread ahmet varlı
There are 365 days of soil moisture NC files and I am trying to find out how many days the values are below and above this certain threshold are repeated. However, I couldn't reach exactly what I wanted. nctoarray <- function(ncfname, varid = NA) { nc <- nc_open(ncfname) a <-

[R] getting raster layer between December and march in 1-year raster

2020-07-28 Thread ahmet varlı
I am using these codes but it is not work between december and march. I want to use dates for select layers but ı dont know how ı can do Could u help me? dir.create(dir.out1, showWarnings = F) dir.create(dir.out2, showWarnings = F) dir.create(dir.out3, showWarnings = F) for (year in