[R] coeftest with covariance matrix

2017-03-16 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hi all, I want to ask you which is the difference between the specifyng and not specifyng the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients when performing the coeftest command. I'm estimating a VECM model and I want to test the significance of the short-run casual effects of the expla

[R] splm package: Spatial weights matrix of the 103 Italian provinces

2014-09-22 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hello, I'm using the spatial weights matrix of the 103 Italian provinces "itaww" of the package splm example: library(splm) data(itaww) itaww It is a matrix of 103 rows and 103 columns. Each row (and each column) corresponds to an italian province and I would like to know the row's nam

[R] pglm: probit random model

2014-03-21 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hi all, I'm using pglm package to estimate a static random probit model of the type: Yi,t = B1X1i,t-k +... + BzXzi,t-k + Ci+ Ui,t Where Yi={0,1} and all explenatory variables are continuous. the function I use is: pglm(formula,, Data, family = binomial(probit), model = "random",method= "bfg

[R] resdiuals of random model estimated by plm function

2013-11-06 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hi all, I have estimated a random panel model using plm function. I have a question about the vector of resduals obtained with the object $residuals. example: data("Produc", package = "plm") zz <- plm(log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp, model="random", data = Produc, index

[R] theta parameter - plm package

2013-09-09 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hi all, what indicates the parameter theta in the summary of a random effect panel model estimated with the plm function? example: data("Produc", package = "plm") zz <- plm(log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp, model="random", data = Produc, index = c("state","year")) summar

Re: [R] truncation and approximation

2013-07-18 Thread alfonso . carfora
Maybe you can use "round" and "trunc" functions For example if you have a vector like this: x<- c(3.000 3.125 3.250 3.375 3.500 3.625 3.750 3.875 4.000) and you want to round the numbers to 2 decimals you can use: round(x,2) [1] 3.00 3.12 3.25 3.38 3.50 3.62 3.75 3.88 4.00 if you want a n

[R] x-labels in barplots

2013-06-25 Thread alfonso . carfora
Hi, I need to generate a barplot in in which the x-labels must to be perpendiculars to the x-axis in my data have a list of probability values correspondings to a list of Countries. In the barplot the name of each Country, under each bar, appears parallel to the x axis. Is possibile rota

[R] maxLik: different estimations from different packages

2013-05-10 Thread alfonso . carfora
Dear all, we are computing maximum likelihood estimations using maxLik package and we realized that the results of the estimation depend on the version of the package installed for example if we try to estimate this function with an old version of maxLik under R 2.13.1 (32 bit version ins

[R] pglm package: fitted values and residuals

2013-04-24 Thread alfonso . carfora
I'm using the package pglm and I'have estimated a "random probit model". I need to save in a vector the fitted values and the residuals of the model but I can not do it. I tried with the command fitted.values using the following procedure without results: library(pglm) m1_S<-pglm(Feed ~ C