Re: [R] gridding values in a data frame

2009-04-30 Thread jdeisenberg
dxc13 wrote: Hi all, I have a data frame that looks like such: LATITUDE LONGITUDE TEMPERATURE TIME 36.73 -176.4358.32 1 and this goes on for a A LOT more records, until time=1200 I want to create a 5 degree by 5 degree grid of this data, with the

Re: [R] save history only option under Linux

2009-04-27 Thread jdeisenberg
alex lee wrote: Is there any options that I can save history only? The only save option is --save, which saves both data and history. However I want to restore the history for my next R session.. If there is no such option that meets my needs. Is there any other way to work out, such as

Re: [R] first time poster

2009-03-28 Thread jdeisenberg
rilleyel wrote: i am trying to answer the following question, and having no luck: Focus your analysis on a comparison between respondents labeled “Low” (coded 1) on attend4 and respondents labeled “High” (coded 4). Then, examine the variance of distributions. That is, run a command

Re: [R] windows vs. linux code

2009-02-25 Thread jdeisenberg
Sherri Heck wrote: I have been given some Rcode that was written using a Linux OS, but I use Windows-based R. The person that is giving it to me said that it needs to run on a Linux system. Does anyone have any insight and/or can verify this. I haven't yet obtained the code, so I

Re: [R] windows vs. linux code

2009-02-25 Thread jdeisenberg
Sherri Heck wrote: i am asking if, in general, r code can be written on a linux-based system and then run on a windows-based system. Yes, if you avoid system-dependent calls like, um, system grin/, there should be no problem. For example, normal stuff like t test, correlation, plot,

Re: [R] array manipulation simple questions

2009-02-23 Thread jdeisenberg
Λεωνίδας Μπαντής wrote: 1. Suppose I have a-c(1:10) (or a-array(c(1:10),dim=c(1,10))) and I want to end up with vector b=[0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]. i.e. I want to substitute alla elements that are 5 with 0 and 5 with 1. I think you mean =5, not 5. In that case, try this: b -

Re: [R] how to make the figure more clearly

2009-02-18 Thread jdeisenberg
Abelian-2 wrote: Dear all when i draw some figures by R, i try to use jpeg to display my result. However, it isn't still clear as i want. Especially when i compare the origial figures by R and the .jpeg file JPEG is designed for photos (the P stands for Photographic). The compression

Re: [R] error bars

2009-02-18 Thread jdeisenberg
Nicole Hackman wrote: Hello, I have a very simple data set i imported from excel including 96 averages in a column along with 96 standard errors associated with those averages (calculated in excel). I plotted the 95 averages using r and I am wondering if it is possible to plot the second

Re: [R] How to split a character vector into 3 vectors

2009-02-10 Thread jdeisenberg
kayj wrote: Hi , Does any one know how to split a character vector , I have a vector X that looks like this and each row has 3 characters X ASK DGH ASG AUJ FRT I would like to split the vector into 3 vectors that look like this X1X2 X3 A S K D G

Re: [R] Loop on characters

2009-02-10 Thread jdeisenberg
megh wrote: suppose I have three vectors like : l1 = 1:4 l2 = 4:9 l3 = 16:67 now I want to construct a loop like : for (i in 1:3) { count1[i] = length(li) # i.e. it will take l1, l2, l3 according to value of i } Try this. There's probably a more elegant way to do

Re: [R] Choosing a random number between x and y

2009-02-09 Thread jdeisenberg
Vie wrote: Hi, Ive been trying to find a function that will allow me to pull out a number between a minimum and maximum threshold. I want a random decimal number between, for example, 0 and 0.5 or 0 and 0.7. I'm no R expert, but this should give you n uniformly distributed random