Dear R-help,

I am using R version 3.4.0 within Windows, and survival 2.41-3.  I have fit a 
Prentice Williams and Peterson-Counting Process model to my data as shown 
below.  This is basically an extension of the Cox model for interval censored 
data.  My dataset, bdat5 can be found here: 

cfitcp2 <- 

I would now like to use the model to predict the probability of zero events by 
two years - this is equivalent to the survival probability at 2 years I 
believe.  This is so that I can compare the output to similar estimates 
obtained from negative binomial, and zero-inflated negative binomial models for 
the same data (albeit in a different format)

To my mind, and based on what I've read, the best way to do this is to use 
survfit.  I want to make predictions for each individual, therefore, I have 
tried this code:
trialnos <- unique(bdat5$trialno) 
prob0 <- function(ids,dataset,model,time){
                probs <- rep(0,length(ids))
                for(i in 1:length(ids)){
                sdata <- subset(dataset,trialno==ids[i])
                sfit <- survfit(model,newdata=sdata)
                probs[i] <-sum(summary(sfit,time)$surv)
prob0ests <- prob0(trialnos,bdat5,cfitcp2,730)

When I do this for the first three trial numbers I get:
0.3001021 2993.4531767    0.3445589

The unusually large "probability" arises when there is only 1 row of data for 
the relevant trial number.  Can anyone therefore explain why there is a problem 
when "sdata" is only 1 row, and ideally provide a solution?

Many thanks,

Dr Laura Bonnett
NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellow

Department of Biostatistics,
Waterhouse Building, Block F,
1-5 Brownlow Street,
University of Liverpool,
L69 3GL

0151 795 9686 

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