[R] caret train and trainControl

2012-11-23 Thread Brian Feeny
I am used to packages like e1071 where you have a tune step and then pass your tunings to train. It seems with caret, tuning and training are both handled by train. I am using train and trainControl to find my hyper parameters like so: MyTrainControl=trainControl( method = cv, number=5,

Re: [R] caret train and trainControl

2012-11-23 Thread Max Kuhn
Brian, This is all outlined in the package documentation. The final model is fit automatically. For example, using 'verboseIter' provides details. From ?train knnFit1 - train(TrainData, TrainClasses, + method = knn, + preProcess = c(center, scale), +

Re: [R] caret train and trainControl

2012-11-23 Thread Brian Feeny
Max, Thanks, I do understand that the final model is fitted. I think I was not clear in my posting. I am changing datasets between tuning and real training. So maybe I tune on trainset but its only 5000 rows, doing my gridsearch and all that, and then once I have the hyper parameters, I