Re: [R] predict from glmer

2009-11-25 Thread Ben Bolker
sj ssj1364 at writes: predPN - model.matrix(terms(mod.PN),newDat) %*% fixef(mod.PN) this seems to work fine and the I print the predictions print(PredPN) [1] [2] 2.358722 2.312340 However I am not certain what I am looking at here, my best guess is

[R] predict from glmer

2009-11-24 Thread sj
Hi all, Windows XP R 2.10.0 I am trying to generate predictions from a binomial mixed model using glmer. the models is as follows: mod.PN - glmer(PN_out~ as.factor(intr3) + transcode + Yr + (Yr|ID) family=binomial,data=partset, na.action=na.omit) where PN_out is a two column binomial variable