[R] Time forecasting next step.

2009-10-19 Thread rkevinburton
This is kind of a general question about methodology more than anything. But I was looking for fome advice. I have fit a time-series model and feel pretty confident that I have taken this model (exponential smoothing) as far as it will go. In other words looking at the data and the fitted

[R] Non-normal residuals.

2009-10-27 Thread rkevinburton
Hello, I asked a question about what the most likely process to follow if after a time-series fit is performed the residuals are found to be non-normal. One peron responded and offered to help if I supplied a sample data set. Unfortunately now that I have a sample I have lost the emai

[R] Year and Month extraction from Date object.

2009-10-27 Thread rkevinburton
Hello, I have seen much discussion on Date. But I can't seem to do this simple operation. I can convert a string to a date: d - as.Date(DATE, format=%m/%d/%Y) But what I want to do is extract the year and month so I can construct an element in a ts object. Ideally I would like to see d$year

[R] PDF Corrupted?

2009-10-27 Thread rkevinburton
I am running R 2.9.2 and creating a PDF that I am trying to open with Adobe Reader 9.2 but when I try to open it the reader responds with There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and cannot be repaired.: I am using the R command(s): pdf(file=cat.pdf, title=Historical

[R] Formula with in memory data.frame

2009-10-30 Thread rkevinburton
I have an array of data.frame(s) that I would like to smooth with loess one at a time. the array is master and the two variable that I am interested in is Period and Quantity. So my first attempt at calling loess is: loess(Quantity ~ Period, master[[i]]) But I get the following error: Error:

[R] Building from source under Windows 7

2009-11-04 Thread rkevinburton
I have downloaded all of the tools and read the readme's that I know about but I am still getting the following error when I try to build from source: C:\Program Files (x86)\R\R-2.9.2\src\gnuwin32make all recommended make[1]: `Rpwd.exe' is up to date. cp -p etc/Makeconf etc/Rcmd_environ

[R] Relase positive with log and zero of negative with 0

2009-11-15 Thread rkevinburton
This is a very simple question but I couldn't form a site search quesry that would return a reasonable result set. Say I have a vector: x - c(0,2,3,4,5,-1,-2) I want to replace all of the values in 'x' with the log of x. Naturally this runs into problems since some of the values are negative

Re: [R] Normal distribution test

2009-11-17 Thread rkevinburton
This is probably an even more basic question but shapiro.test return both the statistic (w) and the significance (pw) of the statistic. For this test the null-hypothesis is that the distirbution is not normal so very small values of pw would mean that there is very little chance that the

Re: [R] Type-I v/s Type-III Sum-Of-Squares in ANOVA

2010-04-19 Thread rkevinburton
i believe John Fox offers another solution in his book. Kevin Daniel Wollschlaeger dw...@psychologie.uni-kiel.de wrote: * On Mo, 1. Mar 2010, Ista Zahn wrote: I've posted a short explanation about this at http://yourpsyche.org/miscellaneous that you might find helpful. I'm a As

[R] Building Hmisc

2010-04-29 Thread rkevinburton
From the notes I see that for 2.11 Hmisc is not supported and the suggestion is made to build from source. I am on a Windows 7 platform and I got all of the tools and successfully built 'R' from source. I changed to gnuwin32 and entered make all recommended. Even though the tar.gz (source)

[R] loess smoothing

2009-11-19 Thread rkevinburton
Hello, In reading the loess description I see: span: the parameter alpha which controls the degree of smoothing. The default seems to be 0.75. Would it be possible to expand on this decription so I can avoid trail and error? Can I increase this pass 'span' 1? Qualitatively to what degree

[R] uniroot vs.optimize

2009-11-19 Thread rkevinburton
I looked at the descriptions for uniroot and optimize and they are somewhat different but the book reference is the same and I am wondering if there are reasons to pick one over the other? Thank you. Kevin __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list

[R] Normal tests disagree?

2009-12-01 Thread rkevinburton
If I have data that I feed into shapio.test and jarque.bera.test yet they seem to disagree. What do I use for a decision? For my data set I have p.value of 0.05496421 returned from the shapiro.test and 0.882027 returned from the jarque.bera.test. I have included the data set below. Thank you.

[R] Normal tests disagree?

2009-12-01 Thread rkevinburton
If I have data that I feed into shapio.test and jarque.bera.test yet they seem to disagree. What do I use for a decision? For my data set I have p.value of 0.05496421 returned from the shapiro.test and 0.882027 returned from the jarque.bera.test. I have included the data set below. Thank you.

Re: [R] write.csv and header

2009-12-16 Thread rkevinburton
I have a small request regarding this append feature. As it is now if the data is appended to the file so is the header. I would like to have the header only entered once and appends just append the data. Doable? Kevin Patrick Connolly p_conno...@slingshot.co.nz wrote: On Tue,

Re: [R] write.csv and header

2009-12-16 Thread rkevinburton
I have a small request regarding this append feature. As it is now if the data is appended to the file so is the header. I would like to have the header only entered once and appends just append the data. Doable? Kevin Patrick Connolly p_conno...@slingshot.co.nz wrote: On Tue,

[R] F77_CALL, F77_NAME definition

2010-01-03 Thread rkevinburton
I give up. Maybe it is my search (Windows) but I cannot seem to find the definition of the F77_CALL or F77_NAME macros. Either there are too many matches or the search just doesn't find it. For example where is the source for: F77_CALL(dpotri) ? Thank you. Kevin

[R] Beginning Eigen System question.

2010-06-23 Thread rkevinburton
Forgive me if I missunderstand a basic Eigensystem but when I present the following matrix to most any other LinearAlgebra system: 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 I get an answer like: //$values //[1] 5.00e+00 1.00e+00 -5.536207e-16 //$vectors // [,1] [,2] [,3]

[R] Forcing scalar multiplication.

2010-06-25 Thread rkevinburton
I am trying to check the results from an Eigen decomposition and I need to force a scalar multiplication. The fundamental equation is: Ax = lx. Where 'l' is the eigen value and x is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigenvalue. 'R' returns the eigenvalues as a vector (e - eigen(A);

[R] Forcing scalar multiplication.

2010-06-25 Thread rkevinburton
I am trying to check the results from an Eigen decomposition and I need to force a scalar multiplication. The fundamental equation is: Ax = lx. Where 'l' is the eigen value and x is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigenvalue. 'R' returns the eigenvalues as a vector (e - eigen(A);

Re: [R] F# vs. R

2010-07-08 Thread rkevinburton
True, porting old C and Fortran code to C# or F# would be a pain and probably riddled with errors but it is not too soon to start looking to see if there is a better way. There have been numerous ports of LAPACK, BLAS, etc. to C#. Maybe they could be leveraged. Maybe just allowing packages to

[R] Problems building from sources

2010-02-16 Thread rkevinburton
I am trying to build R-2.9.2 from source on a Windows 7 machine. I have installed all of the requisite software and followed the instructions. I also could have sworn that I had a successful build. But now I get the following error. gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -s -mwindows -o R.dll R.def console.o

[R] Building R from source

2010-02-16 Thread rkevinburton
I found the problem but not a solution. It turns out if I add the following lines to dqrdc2.f I get the error: write(*,300) ldx,n,p 300 format(3i4) I don't get a compile error but I get the seemingly unrelated error in linking R.DLL I guess the question now is, How do I add a

Re: [R] Building R from source

2010-02-17 Thread rkevinburton
Thank you for the tip. I was used to inserting write statements and was surpised when it didn't work and reading this section I see that I shouldn't have been doing this anyway. One more question. Is there another call that I can use to print out a 2-dimensional array? Since FORTRAN stores as

[R] qr test?

2010-02-17 Thread rkevinburton
I am testing 'qr' with an admittedly contrived matrix and I am getting different results than I am from another package. The matrix that I am using is: x - matrix(seq(.1, by=.1, length.out=12), 4) So the whole test is: x - matrix(seq(.1, by=.1, length.out=12), 4) qr(x) And the output from 'R'

[R] What is assign attribute?

2010-02-25 Thread rkevinburton
I am just curious. Every once and a while I see an attribute attached to an object called assign. What meaning does this have? For example: dist ~ speed, data=cars forms a matrix like: num [1:50, 1:2] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... - attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:50] 1 2 3 4 ... ..$

[R] What is assign attribute?

2010-02-25 Thread rkevinburton
I am just curious. Every once and a while I see an attribute attached to an object called assign. What meaning does this have? For example: dist ~ speed, data=cars forms a matrix like: num [1:50, 1:2] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... - attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:50] 1 2 3 4 ... ..$

[R] Help with split.

2010-02-25 Thread rkevinburton
I read in the documentation for split: ‘split’ divides the data in the vector ‘x’ into the groups defined by ‘f’. But I am still unclear as to its function. Take for example: x - 1:4 split(x, c(0,1)) $`0` [1] 1 3 $`1` [1] 2 4 I am not clear on how this result is reached. Thank you. Kevin

[R] Simple cat statement - output truncated

2009-07-15 Thread rkevinburton
I have a statement: cat(myforecast ETS(, paste(object$components[1], object$components[2], object$components[3], object$components[4], sep = ,), ) , n, \n) That generates: cast ETS( A,N,N,FALSE ) 3 Anyone guess as to why the first 5 letters are truncated/missing? Kevin

Re: [R] Simple cat statement - output truncated

2009-07-16 Thread rkevinburton
So then I am to assume that the output of 'cat' can be truncated by passing it bad arrays. That is the only difference between the reproducible code you show and mine. It is just a theory but say that the components array is not dimmensioned for 4 elements. It seems a little strange if that is

Re: [R] Simple cat statement - output truncated

2009-07-16 Thread rkevinburton
It has to be related to 'cat' because the output of 'cat' is truncated. I am just tyring to find out some possible reasons as to why it is truncated. I have been unable to form an array like is in the test program. Do you think there is something else that is gobbling up the output from cat

[R] if confusion

2009-08-03 Thread rkevinburton
Simple question: Why doesn't the following work? Or what 'R' rule am I missing? tclass - Testing 1 2 3 if(tclass == Testing 1 2 3) { cat(Testing, tclass, \n) } else { cat(tclass, \n) } I get an error 'else' is unexpected. Thank you. Kevin

[R] Gaps in time series.

2008-08-02 Thread rkevinburton
I like the fact that in subtracting two time series objects that there is some effort to align the series. So if I have a time series of that begins at 1 and one that begins at 2 a subtraction operation makes sure that the proper values are subtracted. But I am unclear as to the best way to

[R] Basic factor question.

2008-08-02 Thread rkevinburton
Doing ?factor I get: x a vector of data, usually taking a small number of distinct values. levels an optional vector of the values that x might have taken. The default is the set of values taken by x, sorted into increasing order. So if I do: factor(letters[1:20],level=seq(1:20) [1] NA NA

Re: [R] RE SHAPE package question.

2008-08-02 Thread rkevinburton
I am not there yet. I cannot seem to find the package: install.packages(SHAPE) Warning in install.packages(SHAPE) : argument 'lib' is missing: using 'F:\Users\Kevin\Documents/R/win-library/2.7' Warning message: package ‘SHAPE’ is not available Is it called something else? Kevin hadley

[R] Determining model parameters

2008-08-03 Thread rkevinburton
This may be a begining question. If so, please bear with me. If I have some data that based on the historgram and other plots it looks like a beta distribution. Is there a function or functions within R to help me determine the model parameters for such a distirbution? Similarily for other

[R] RESHAPE cast help.

2008-08-05 Thread rkevinburton
I have a set of data that is basically sales figures for a given year. It has columns for Yeaqr, Day Of Year, Sku, SubCatetory, and Category. The first few lines of data look like: Year DayOfYearSku Quantity CatId Category SubCategory 1 2007 1 1000911 10862

[R] Weibull Likelihod function.

2008-08-06 Thread rkevinburton
Is there a likelihod function for the Weibull distribution in 'R'? I found the following reference: http://www.weibull.com/LifeDataWeb/weibull_log_likelihood_functions_and_their_partials.htm But I had a hard time understanding the parameters required Particularly 'number of groups of

Re: [R] Merging two datasets

2008-08-06 Thread rkevinburton
I looked at 'merge'. What if df1 and df2 are data.frames and I want to merge on on column and sum on another? Say df1 and df2 are data.frames with columns 'ID1', 'ID2', 'ID3', and 'Qty'. I want to 'merge' the data frames (and produce a new data.frame) if there is a matching 'ID2' in each

[R] Append to a vector?

2008-08-07 Thread rkevinburton
This is probably an extemly easy operation I just could not find out how to do it. I simple want to append to a vector. a - c(1,2,3,4) a - union(a, c(5)) I want to append the value 5 or even another vector. Or is the a better way? Kevin __

[R] Where is the archive? Calling a function within a function.

2008-08-07 Thread rkevinburton
I seem to remember this topic coming up before so I decided to look at the archive and realized that I didn't know where it was. Is there a searchable archive for this list? Thank you. My question is calling a function from within a function. I have smerge - function(d1,d2) { temp -

Re: [R] Determining model parameters

2008-08-07 Thread rkevinburton
again. | | Kevin | Ben Bolker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: | rkevinburton at charter.net writes: | | If I have some data that based on the historgram and other plots it looks | like a beta distribution. Is there | a function or functions within R to help me determine the model

[R] write.csv writing the index

2008-08-08 Thread rkevinburton
I have a simple command to export a data.frame: write.csv(output, TotalPredicted2008.dat) The structure of the data.frame can be seen with: head(output) DayOfYear Sales 1 1 1429 2 2 3952 3 3 3049 4 4 2844 5 5 2219 6 6 2340 But it seems

[R] Length of data.frame column

2008-08-08 Thread rkevinburton
I have a beginner question. After I finally get the data to a data.frame that I can work with I have the following a data frame that is fairly long: length(r2007) [1] 17409 If I look at the first element: r2007[1] $`19` DayOfYear Quantity 1661 2 1281 3

[R] Reshape set operations?

2008-08-09 Thread rkevinburton
I have mange to use the library reshape to give me data structures that I want. Specifically: m2008 - melt(t2008, id.var=c(DayOfYear,Category,SubCategory,Sku), measure.var=c(Quantity)) m2007 - melt(t2007, id.var=c(DayOfYear,Category,SubCategory,Sku), measure.var=c(Quantity)) r2008 -

Re: [R] Reshape set operations?

2008-08-10 Thread rkevinburton
Because of machine memory restrictions I think I need to go with a vector by vector approach. When I concatenate I get: m - melt(t, id.var=c(DayOfYear,Category,SubCategory,Sku), measure.var=c(Quantity)) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 7.8 Mb Kevin hadley wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [R] How can I create a vector of vector?

2008-08-11 Thread rkevinburton
I have a slightly different question. Rather than build the list all at once I would like to know how to append. Essentially ending up with a list of lists. Something like: x - c(31,2,3) a - list(list(x)) x - c(42,3,5) a - append(a, list(x)) Can it be done this way? So now the length(a) is 2

[R] Exporting a list of lists

2008-08-11 Thread rkevinburton
I have a list List(Sku= , Shape=1, Scale=3, DayOfYear=daylist) Note: picture daylist as c(2,3,4,3) it is a list with variable length. Then I have a list of lists al - c(al, List(List(Sku= , Shape=1, Scale=3, DayOfYear=daylist)) Note: same comment on daylist as above. So far this creates a list

Re: [R] Exporting a list of lists

2008-08-11 Thread rkevinburton
I would like to read it (the data) iinto a different application (not 'R'). Within 'R' I can mlist[[1]] mlist[1] [[1]] [[1]]$Sku [1] 0 [[1]]$Shape [1] 250.0586 [[1]]$Scale [1] 91.9914 [[1]]$DayOfYear [1] 250 OR mlist[[2]] mlist[[2]] $Sku [1] 18 $Shape [1] 178.9637 $Scale [1]

Re: [R] Exporting a list of lists

2008-08-11 Thread rkevinburton
I tried: cat(Sku,Shape,Scale,DayOfYear, file=SkuSalesInfo.dat, append=FALSE); for(i in 1:length(mlist)) { cat(mlist[[i]]$Sku, ,, mlist[[i]]$Shape, ,, mlist[[i]]$Scale, file=SkuSalesInfo.dat, append=TRUE) for(j in 1:length(mlist[[i]]$DayOfYear)) { cat(,,

[R] Determining cause of error?

2008-08-13 Thread rkevinburton
This is both a specific question and a general one. First, I am running 'fitdistr' from library(MASS) and I get the following: Error in fitdistr(templist, weibull) : optimization failed What is the cause of the error? How can I tell? Can I just catch this error, report it and move to the next

Re: [R] Determining cause of error?

2008-08-14 Thread rkevinburton
Now this is really specific. I think the cause of the error is a small sample size. For example. The following both fail: fit - fitdistr(c(120), weibull) fit - fitdistr(jiitter(c(120,120), amount=0.5), weibull) As it is hard for me to control the sample size or the proximity of data values in

[R] tryCatch question

2008-08-14 Thread rkevinburton
I would like to use the 'tryCatch' function but am having a hard time getting my head around it. In 'C' like languages try/catch/finally means try a block of statements and if any throw an error then do the statements in the catch block and then error or not always do the staements in the

[R] Detecting duplicate values

2008-08-14 Thread rkevinburton
This is another how do I do it type of question. It seems that for a function that I have it has a hard time with lists that have a single repeated value. I want a function (or expression) that will detect this condition. I want to detect: c(2,2,2,2,2) OR c(1) The following is OK c(2,3,3,2)

[R] Fucntion scope question. General non-linear solution help.

2008-08-17 Thread rkevinburton
I would like to solve the equation is is the sum from k = i to N of choose(N,k) * MR ^ k * (1 - MR) ^ (N - k) - 0.50 = 0 I want to solve for MR. This seems like a non-linear equation to me. But I am having a hard time writing the function that implements the above. I could use 'for(...) as a

[R] Updating a list.

2008-08-27 Thread rkevinburton
I have a list that is generated from the resape package function 'cast'. It consists of three columns, Sku, DayOfYear, variable it is generated like: r2007 - cast(m2008, DayOfYear ~ variable | Sku, sum) Now DayOfYear can range from 1:365 but there are not necessarily that many rows in the

Re: [R] Updating a list.

2008-08-28 Thread rkevinburton
That would be one source of error. Thank you. Kevin ONKELINX wrote: Kevin, Notice the subtle difference between Hadley's and your code: Hadley m2008$DayOfYear - factor(m2008$DayOfYear, levels = 1:365) Kevin m2007$DayOfYear - factor(m2008$DayOfYear, levels = 1:365) Your are

[R] Function not returning a vector?

2008-08-28 Thread rkevinburton
Why does: (shape/scale) * (1:365/scale)^(shape - 1) return a vector of numbers but calling a function hasard(1:365,shape,scale) defined like: hazard - function(x,shape,scale) { return (shape/scale) * (x/scale)^(shape - 1) } Only return a single value? It is like x becomes a single value

[R] Generating a time series.

2008-08-29 Thread rkevinburton
I have a bunch of lists that are essentially time-series with the unit of time being 'day'. So I naturally want to generate a time-series from 1:365. I was wondering if there is a nifty 'R' trick to turn a list with missing data (the list may contain values at 100, 230, and 360) into a time

[R] Non-numeric argument to fft

2008-08-30 Thread rkevinburton
I am calling fft and getting a non-numeric error: + fit - lm(Quantity ~ DayOfYear, .sublist) + # Make the time series + x - as.numeric(rep(0,512)) + x - merge(residuals(fit), x) + # Transform range to -pi - pi + x - x - pi + x - x * (2 *

Re: [R] Non-numeric argument to fft

2008-08-30 Thread rkevinburton
If this is the case then how to I take a list of numbers (residuals in this case) and create anothe list that is longer and padded by zeros? Maybe fft already does this for me but as I understood it I need to pass an vector to the fft that is of a power of 2 length. If I still need to do this

[R] Help with stl

2008-08-31 Thread rkevinburton
I just realized after some tips and a little digging that what I was trying to do manually has already been done. I was trying to fit my data using 'lm' then taking the residual data and trying to do a spectral estimate (for seasonality) usiing fft and then passing the residual of all of that

[R] Upgrade 'R'

2008-09-01 Thread rkevinburton
More and more I am getting warnings from packages that I install that the package was built with 2.7.2 (I am running 2.7.1). I would like to upgrade but don't want to loose all of the packages that I have installed and the settings. Is there a way to just upgrade without uninstalling and

[R] More help with stl?

2008-09-02 Thread rkevinburton
I don't understand the output of stl. As a simple example: y - numeric(1:365) y[250] = 1 stl - stl(ts(y, frequency=7), s.window=periodic) This returns without error but the results are puzzling to me. If you plot the results it is probably easiest to visualize what I mean. plot(stl) This

Re: [R] More help with stl?

2008-09-02 Thread rkevinburton
There was a typo. I wnated to form an array so it should be: y - numeric(365) Now you should be able to reproduce it. Kevin stephen sefick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I can't reproduce this because the data has two points 0 and one at the ends of the data set, and I get an na.fail error.

Re: [R] More help with stl?

2008-09-02 Thread rkevinburton
The data is real. The fact that there are a bunch of zeros and only one value of 1 is just the way things are. I have over 20,000 data sets and some are like this. Admittedly this is not periodic but ideally you should see all frequencies at various amplitudes, remniscent of the impulse

Re: [R] More help with stl?

2008-09-02 Thread rkevinburton
Thank you. I am not saying the data is wrong. I can do somethiing like: y = tread + seasonal + remainder and it gives me back the original data almost exactly. I just don't know how to interpret it. The data is clearly not periodic but I was expecting to get more information about the function

[R] Building a time series.

2008-09-04 Thread rkevinburton
I have a need to build a time series and there are a couple of aspects about the time series object that are confusing me. First it seems that ts.union is not doing what I would expect. For example: x0 - rep(0,10) x1 - rep(1,10) xt0 - ts(x0, frequency=10) xt1 - ts(x1, frequency=10) st2 -

[R] Derived classes

2008-09-04 Thread rkevinburton
Coming from a C++ and C# background I would like to know how inheritance works with 'R'. The classical example is I can define an abstract class 'Shape' and have an array of 'Shape's but each instance could be a Circle, Square, Triangle, etc. because they all derive from 'Shape'. At runtime if

[R] lm and time series.

2008-09-05 Thread rkevinburton
I did a ?lm and it said basically to be careful when using lm and a time series. But my question is probably more to do with my inexperience that anything. If I have a time series object 'ti' how do I write the formula? The response is the value at any particular time and the time is basically

Re: [R] lm and time series.

2008-09-05 Thread rkevinburton
I am sorry but I looked at ?lm and could not see any guidance on writting a formula. If I have two arrays or a data set then I know how to do that (y ~ x) but for a time series I am not sure how to write y or x. Thank you. Kevin Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The Time

Re: [R] lm and time series.

2008-09-05 Thread rkevinburton
I want to fit a function to time series. If I had: x - 1:4 y - 1:4 lm(y~x) This would fit a simple line to the four points. But if it is represented as a time series x - 1:4 t - ts(x) lm() So I have a time series in the object t. How do I write a formula for lm? What do I put in the

Re: [R] lm and time series.

2008-09-06 Thread rkevinburton
That is the thing. As a new comer to 'R' I don't understand how to write a formula when all I have is a time series. I don't know how to express the independent and dependent variables in a formula when the object is a time series. So please just solve this simple example and I will extrapolate

[R] Sort (indices only)

2008-09-08 Thread rkevinburton
I am using the function 'spectrum'. It returns two arrays that are interesting to me. One would be the wieght or density of a given frequency with the irequency given in another array. I would like to take the top 'n' weights which would be the top 'n' frequencies contributing to the signal.

[R] Beginner graphics device questions.

2008-09-08 Thread rkevinburton
Please forgive me if this has been asked before but I could not readily find an answer. First, from the example I was able to determine that graphics device commands such as plot can be redirected using 'png' and 'bmp' type commands. I tried this and it works as I understand it. The question is

[R] Modulous operator?

2008-09-08 Thread rkevinburton
Is there a mod (like C '%' operator) operator in 'R'? I tried to help.search(mod) and there were too many hits for the query to be useful. Kevin __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the

Re: [R] Modulous operator?

2008-09-08 Thread rkevinburton
Thank you. I definitely did not want Mod. Kevin Peter Dalgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Csardi Gabor wrote: ?%% Yup. Notice, by the way, that modulus [sic] is ambiguous: Mod(1+1i) [1] 1.414214 46 %% 7 [1] 4 Gabor On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 11:58:45AM -0700,

[R] Forecast for stl?

2008-09-08 Thread rkevinburton
Once the series has been decomposed into the seasonal, trend, and remainder components with stl is there a 'predict' like function that I can use this data to forecast the next 'n' values? I didn't see one in the stl documentation. So if such a function does not exist I was wondering if I could

[R] Help with 'spectrum'

2008-09-09 Thread rkevinburton
For the command 'spectrum' I read: The spectrum here is defined with scaling 1/frequency(x), following S-PLUS. This makes the spectral density a density over the range (-frequency(x)/2, +frequency(x)/2], whereas a more common scaling is 2π and range (-0.5, 0.5] (e.g., Bloomfield) or 1 and

[R] tsdiag error

2008-09-09 Thread rkevinburton
Does anyone know why I get the following error when trying tsdiag? Error in UseMethod(tsdiag) : no applicable method for tsdiag I am invoking it as: tsdiag(mar). Thank you. Kevin __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [R] Error in solve.default(Hessian) : system is computationally singular

2008-09-12 Thread rkevinburton
I don't have a solution but I receive the same error when trying to fit a GARCH model using the garchFit in the fGarch package. Kevin Desislava Kavrakova [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello everyone, I'm trying to estimate the parameters of the returns series attached using the GARCH code

[R] Help with ARIMA seasonal time series

2008-09-13 Thread rkevinburton
I have a set of data that is basically 3+ years of data. It is daily sales for this year and then back 3 years so there are 3*365 + 231 days or 1326 days of data. Since this is a time series I have constructed it as: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(4, 231) Frequency = 365 In trying to ayalyze this

[R] NAs and stl

2008-09-14 Thread rkevinburton
I would like to decompose the log of a time series. There will be time slots that are zero. In order to handle this I insert 'NA' for all of the zeros in the time series. Having a zero value is a very legitamate value. With those NAs in the time series stil requires an na.action argument

Re: [R] How to find the index

2008-09-16 Thread rkevinburton
I think if you use 'order' it will return the indexes of the array, sorted. Then you can get the original index back because the array will not be changed. Kevin Peng Jiang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear R experts, i have a vector z , i have to do something after z is sorted. how

[R] Spectrum of a kernel

2008-09-17 Thread rkevinburton
For purely educational purposes I would like to see the spectrum of a kernel. I tried: spectrum(kernel(daniell, 100), taper=0, log=no) but I get: Error in complete.cases(object) : not all arguments have the same length I can plot the kernel but that is only in the time-domain. I would like to

[R] Time series (ts) questions.

2008-09-22 Thread rkevinburton
I have been working with the base time series object (ts) and I had a couple of questions that hopefully this group can help me with: 1) What is the best why to append an observation to an existing time-series? Suppose I have a time series: t - ts(1:12, frequency=5) This would generate two

[R] auto.arima help.

2008-09-22 Thread rkevinburton
Hello, I am calling the auto.arima method in the forecast package at it returns what seems to be valid Arima output. But when I feed this output to 'predict' I get: Error in predict.Arima(catall.fit[[.index]], n.ahead = 12) : 'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns Is there a

Re: [R] How can I comment out whole chunks of code?

2008-09-24 Thread rkevinburton
I know you don't want to adopt a new text editor but Tinn-R can 'comment' a block of code (inserting # in front of the selected lines. Kevin Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 24/09/2008 4:03 PM, Mark Na wrote: Hello, I know this has been discussed, but I haven't found an

[R] auto.arima help

2008-09-25 Thread rkevinburton
I am calling auto.arima with a time series that is about 186 observations long with a frequency of 52. With some time series I get: 1:last.nonzero: result would be too long a vector Is there something that I can do to the data to avoid this error? Thank you. Kevin

Re: [R] List of varying length suitable for use as dimnames

2008-09-27 Thread rkevinburton
I am trying to get package 'dse' and it seems to download OK: Content type 'application/zip' length 1413606 bytes (1.3 Mb) opened URL downloaded 1.3 Mb bundle 'dse' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked The downloaded packages are in . . . \downloaded_packages updating HTML package

[R] Installing DSE package.

2008-09-27 Thread rkevinburton
Sorry, this should have the rigth subject now. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am trying to get package 'dse' and it seems to download OK: Content type 'application/zip' length 1413606 bytes (1.3 Mb) opened URL downloaded 1.3 Mb bundle 'dse' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

[R] Installing DSE package.

2008-09-27 Thread rkevinburton
Hello R users, I am trying to get package 'dse' and it seems to download OK: bundle 'dse' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked But when I try to use it I get: help(package=dse) Error in .find.package(pkgName, lib.loc, verbose = verbose) : there is no package called

Re: [R] Installing DSE package.

2008-09-27 Thread rkevinburton
I am sorry where is the download page or index? Once I know that it is split out like this library(dse1) and library(dse2) work just fine. My question now is how did you know this? Thank you. Kevin Sarah Goslee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you look at the download page, or the index, or

[R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
I have search the archive and I could not find what I need so I will try to ask the question here. I read a table in (read.table) a - read.table(.) The table has column names like DayOfYear, Quantity, and Category. The values in the row for Category are strings (characters). I want to

Re: [R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
I am using a simple R statement to read in the file: a - read.csv(Sample.dat, header=TRUE) There is alot of data but the first few lines look like: DayOfYear,Quantity,Fraction,Category,SubCategory 1,82,0.390392720794458,(Unknown),(Unknown) 2,78,0.371349173438631,(Unknown),(Unknown) . .

[R] Installing RWinEdt

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
From the R console I invoke: install.packages(RWinEdt) and get: Warning in install.packages(RWinEdt) : argument 'lib' is missing: using 'F:\Users\Kevin\Documents/R/win-library/2.7' --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- trying URL

Re: [R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
I am sorry but if read.csv returns a dataframe and a dataframe is like a matrix and I have a set of input like below and a[1,] gives me the first row, what is the second index? From what I read and your input I am guessing that it is the column number. So a[1,1] would return the DayOfYear

Re: [R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
I think there is a problem with my file or with 'read.csv'. As you said, a[1,] returns the first row a[1,] DayOfYear Quantity Fraction Category SubCategory 1 1 82 0.390392720794458 (Unknown) (Unknown) a[2,] returns the second row a[2,] DayOfYear Quantity

Re: [R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
OK. Now I know that I am dealing with a data frame. One last question on this topic. a - read.csv() gives me a dataframe. If I have 'c - split(x, x$Category), then what is returned by split in this case? c[1] seems to be OK but c[2] is not right in my mind. If I run ci - split(nrow(a),

Re: [R] Assoociative array?

2008-07-12 Thread rkevinburton
This is almost it. Maybe it is as good as can be expected. The only problem that I see is that this seems to form a Category/SubCategory pair where none existed in the original data. For example, A might have two sub-categories a and b, and B might have two categories c and d. As far as I can

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