
This sounds off topic, but as I want to analyse the data in R and the R
community is extremely knowledgeable in many respects.

So here I go:

I have "inherited" a literature list for further analysis containing
more than 5000 references. What I would like to do is construct citation
trees (who has cited whom) and analyze the times each reference has been
cited. Noe the literature list does unfortunately not contain the
references cited in each reference.

I have seen the "scholary" paper which allows me to get information on
an author - but is there something similar for getting a list of the
cited papers and the count of how often the paper has been cited? 

I have access to web of science, which can provide this information, but
can I somehow do this in a scripted R way as I want to analyse the data
in R afterwards?



Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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