I am attempting to use nlme to model the response of 19 groups.  I am able to 
get a reasonable fit of all of the groups to the observed data using an 
exponential decay model (a*exp-x*b).  The problem is that when I plot the 
fitted values to residuals, it demonstrates a pattern of increasing variance.
I attempt to model this variance using
Sig3.nlme <- update(Sig2.nlme, weights = varConstPower(power=0.1),
                   verbose = TRUE)
I get the message that 'step halving factor reduced below minimum in PNLS 
step'.  Some of the curves are actually flat lines where there is a value of 0 
for the response at every observation within the group.  My thought is that, 
because this corresponds to 0 variance, it is causing problems for the pnls.  
Don't know that this is the correct interpretation.
Is there anyway to model this type of data using nlme or do I need to find 
another option?
Thanks for any help.
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