[R] R vs. Splus in Pharma/Devices Industry

2007-06-15 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Nicholas, You're making me depressed! Cody Hamilton, PhD Edwards Lifesciences Hi, I just saw this thread. This issue, and the larger scale issue of open source in industry is being addressed. One has to realize that the behemoth that is the clinical aperatus of the pharma industry is very

Re: [R] R vs. Splus in Pharma/Devices Industry

2007-06-14 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Greg, This is very interesting. Perhaps something similar could be worked out here. Do you have to get MS Word users to work only with the template you provide, or can they provide you any old MS Word document? Regards, -Cody Cody Hamilton, PhD Edwards Lifesciences But sweave is expanding.

Re: [R] R vs. Splus in Pharma/Devices Industry

2007-06-13 Thread Cody_Hamilton
I should have also noted that Sweave is available for use with R. This is offset, however, by the fact that I will probably never be able to convince anyone to use Latex. This is a pity as I often find myself admiring reports done in Latex as opposed to the ones I have worked on in MS Word.

Re: [R] R Book Advice Needed

2007-06-12 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Alain, Can you tell us what you plan to use R for? Regards, -Cody [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : I am new to using R and would appreciate some advice on which books to start with to get up to speed on using R. My Background: 1-C# programmer. 2-Programmed directly using IMSL (Now Visual

[R] R vs. Splus in Pharma/Devices Industry

2007-06-11 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Following up to some extent on Friday's discussion regarding the 'validation' of R, could I ask the list group's opinion on possible advantages of R over Splus from a pharma/devices perspective? I wish to exclude the obvious price difference, which doesn’t seem to carry as much weight as I

Re: [R] R is not a validated software package..

2007-06-08 Thread Cody_Hamilton
As I read 21 CFR 11, the regulation deals more with ensuring the security of the electronic health record itself. Thus, it seemed to me that so long as the software (SAS, R, Splus, etc.) could not alter the data base in any way then you're fine (this may be naive, but that's how I understood it).

Re: [R] R is not a validated software package..

2007-06-08 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Not to mention all the work that goes into PROC TEMPLATE and ANNOTATE to make SAS graphs presentable! I suspect that a lot of companies don't use SAS graphs or tables at all - they just export the data from SAS to Excel. -Cody Cody Hamilton, PhD Edwards Lifesciences What I would love to have

Re: [R] R is not a validated software package..

2007-06-08 Thread Cody_Hamilton
The fact that FDA statisticians are using R also assuages one of the main concerns that I have heard voiced about using R for FDA submissions - that there would be no statisticians available at FDA to review R code which would seriously delay the review of a submission. Mark also brings up a

Re: [R] normality tests [Broadcast]

2007-05-25 Thread Cody_Hamilton
You can also try validating your regression model via the bootstrap (the validate() function in the Design library is very helpful). To my mind that would be much more reassuring than normality tests performed on twenty residuals. By the way, be careful with the correlation test - it's only

Re: [R] normality tests [Broadcast]

2007-05-25 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Following up on Frank's thought, why is it that parametric tests are so much more popular than their non-parametric counterparts? As non-parametric tests require fewer assumptions, why aren't they the default? The relative efficiency of the Wilcoxon test as compared to the t-test is 0.955, and

Re: [R] basic problem but can't solve it

2007-05-22 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Benoit, Try the aggregate() function. -Cody Cody Hamilton, PhD Edwards Lifesciences Benoit Chemineau

Re: [R] confidence intervals on multiple comparisons

2007-05-15 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Enrico, prop.test is for testing proportions two at a time. If you want to test for differences between 4 proportions simultaneously (rather than two at a time), try a logistic regression model (from which you can get confidence intervals for each of your groups). Cody Hamilton, PhD Staff

Re: [R] Hierarchical models in R

2007-05-14 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Franco, What about calling the BUGS model below from R using BRUGS? Regards, -Cody francogrex [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[R] Adaptive survival design

2007-05-14 Thread Cody_Hamilton
I am developing R code to implement the adaptive design approach of Schafer and Muller (Stats in Med 2001) for a survival endpoint. Would anyone be interested in collaborating with me on this code? I have fairly completed code, but would appreciate someone else's input on my work. Regards,

Re: [R] ordered logistic regression with random effects. Howto?

2007-05-08 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Paul, I believe the model you describe below can be fitted in GENMOD and GLIMMIX in SAS. Alternatively, as Brian Ripley suggests, you could use MCMC. BUGS has a nice example of a multinomial logit model in the second example manual. While this example considers only fixed effects, it's not

Re: [R] Mantel-Haenszel relative risk with Greenland-Robins variance estimate

2007-05-08 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Would this function help: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~frome/ES/RRMHex/MHanalysis.txt ? Regards, -Cody Frank E Harrell Jr

Re: [R] Bayesian logistic regression with a beta prior (MCMClogit)

2007-05-03 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Dear Franco, Have you tried using the beta.start option in MCMClogit? (The problem may be where you are starting your chain.) Regards, -Cody francogrex

Re: [R] bootstrap

2007-04-27 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Marc, I believe the problem is with the function you are passing to the statistic option. According to the documentation for boot, the statistic option provides: A function which when applied to data returns a vector

Re: [R] help comparing two median with R

2007-04-18 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Has anyone proposed using a bootstrap for Pedro's problem? What about taking a boostrap sample from x, a boostrap sample from y, take the difference in the medians for these two bootstrap samples, repeat the process 1,000 times and calculate the 95th percentiles of the 1,000 computed

Re: [R] sas.get problem

2007-04-11 Thread Cody_Hamilton
John, I believe the format file must have a .sc or .sas7bcat file extension (not .sas7bdat which is a sas dataset extension). I think that's why you're getting the error F:/sas/formats.sc? or formats.sas7bcat not found. Also, is the carriage return after 'C:/Program in the code below caused

Re: [R] sas.get problem

2007-04-11 Thread Cody_Hamilton
John, Do you not have sas on your machine? (That would definitely keep sas.get from executing.) Regards, -Cody John Kane [EMAIL

Re: [R] sas.get problem

2007-04-10 Thread Cody_Hamilton
John, According to the sas.get documentation, the format library option must specify the directory containing the file formats.sct (I don't think it can be a sas dataset). Also, do you need a forward slash after C: in the sasprog option below? Finally, sas may not like the period in the file

Re: [R] R and clinical studies

2007-03-23 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Thanks for the tip. I will look forward to trying this package out soon! Regards, -Cody Hans-Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [R] Stepwise Logistic Regression

2007-03-21 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Rich Ulrich has compiled some posts (I believe from the S list) on some of the dangers of stepwise regression: http://www.pitt.edu/~wpilib/statfaq/regrfaq.html Regards, -Cody Sergio Della

Re: [R] R and clinical studies

2007-03-20 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Thank you to all those that responded to Delphine's original post on R and clinical studies. They have provided much food for thought. I had a couple of follow up questions/comments. Andrew is very correct in pointing out that there are classes and workshops available for R. It's my

Re: [R] R and clinical studies

2007-03-20 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Thank you to all those that responded to Delphine's original post on R and clinical studies. They have provided much food for thought. I had a couple of follow up questions/comments. Andrew is very correct in pointing out that there are classes and workshops available for R. It's my

Re: [R] R and clinical studies

2007-03-19 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Thank you to all those that responded to Delphine's original post on R and clinical studies. They have provided much food for thought. I had a couple of follow up questions/comments. Andrew is very correct in pointing out that there are classes and workshops available for R. It's my

Re: [R] R and clinical studies

2007-03-16 Thread Cody_Hamilton
I agree that most problems arise in the data management / file derivation phase. From my reading of 21 CFR 11, it appears that this document focuses primarily on data management (as well as on software directly involved in a medical device) rather than on validation of statistical functions. I

[R] Rbind with data frames -- column names question

2007-03-05 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Gregg, What about A-data.frame(1,1,1); names(A)=letters[1:3] ; B-matrix(0,2,3) B-as.data.frame(B) names(B)-names(A) rbind(A,B) -Cody Gregg Lind

[R] Using R for devices trial

2007-03-02 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Mat, Thank you for the update and for the link. I look forward to (hopefully) using R for future FDA submissions. Regards, -Cody Soukup, Mat

Re: [R] Using R for devices trial

2007-03-02 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Mat, Thank you for the update and for the link. I look forward to (hopefully) using R for future FDA submissions. Regards, -Cody Soukup, Mat

Re: [R] significant anova but no distinct groups ?

2007-03-02 Thread Cody_Hamilton
Frederic, You're performing 8*7/2 = 28 multiple comparisons controlling the FWE at the .05 level. Using a Bonferroni's adjustment (admittedly more conservative than the Holm's or Tukey's approach), that's testing each comparison at the .05/28 = 0.0018 level. With only 100 observations spread

[R] Using R for devices trial

2007-03-01 Thread Cody_Hamilton
I would like to use R for submissions to FDA/CDRH (the medical device company I work for currently uses only SAS). Previous postings to the list regarding R and 21 CFR 11 compliance have been very helpful. However, reluctance to using open source software for statistical analyses and reporting