[R] SE of parameter estimates in glmm.admb

2006-02-24 Thread Hans Skaug
Dear Istvan, An example library(glmmADMB) tt = glmm.admb(y ~ Base * trt + Age, random = ~Visit,group = "subject", data = epil2, family = "nbinom") To print the covariance matrix of the random effects vector (and the std of those estimates, see bottom) : print.glmm.admb(tt,sd_S_print=TR

[R] glmm.admb - bug and possible solution??

2006-02-21 Thread Hans Skaug
Dear R list, A problem with the package glmmADMB was pointed out by R. Bagchi some time ago. We have now fixed the problem and a new version of the package can be downloaded from the usual place: http://otter-rsch.com/admbre/examples/glmmadmb/glmmADMB.html The likelihood values that previously w

[R] nested random effects in glmm.admb

2006-02-08 Thread Hans Skaug
Hi Jarrod , I think you are right that neither nested or cross-classified models can be specified in glmm.admb() as it stands (except in ad-hoc ways). This is not a restriction of the underlying software AD Model Builder, but it is a feature of how I wrote the R-interface. I will try to figure o

[R] Automatic differentiation (was: Re: D(dnorm...)?)

2006-01-26 Thread Hans Skaug
Dear Alberto, There are fisheries people also in Europe using AD Model Builder (Denmark and England for instance), but you are probably right that it is more widespread in North America. There is also effort going on where people try to make assessment models written in ADMB callable from R. b

[R] glmmADMB: Mixed models for overdispersed and zero-inflated count data in R

2005-06-17 Thread Hans Skaug
/glmmadmb/glmmADMB.html The package is based on the software ADMB-RE, but the full unrestricted R-package is made freely available by Otter Research Ltd and does not require ADMB-RE to run with user supplied data. I you will find this useful, Hans Skaug -- Hans Skaug Department of Mathematics

[R] Negative binomial GLMMs in R

2005-03-23 Thread Hans . Skaug
commands: glmm.admb(y~Base*trt+Age+Visit,random=~1,group="subject",data=epil2) glmm.admb(y~Base*trt+Age+Visit,random=~Visit,group="subject",data=epil2) I will be happy to receive feedback on the function glmm.admb(). Best regards, Hans Skaug Reference: Booth J.G.; Casella G.; Fri