[R] legend with mixed boxes and lines (not both)

2007-05-14 Thread Michael Toews
Hi, I seem to be unable to get a mixed legend that has lines *or* polygons (not both). For example: ppi - seq(0,2*pi,length.out=21)[-21] frame() plot.window(ylim=c(-5,5),xlim=c(-5,5),asp=1) polygon(cos(ppi)*4+rnorm(20,sd=.2),sin(ppi)*4+rnorm(20,sd=.2), col=green,border=FALSE)

[R] sequential for loop

2007-04-19 Thread Michael Toews
Hi all, I'm usually comfortable using the *apply functions for vectorizing loops in R. However, my particular problem now is using it in a sequential operation, which uses values evaluated in an offset of the loop vector. Here is my example using a for loop approach: dat -

[R] timeDate business day

2007-03-12 Thread Michael Toews
Those numbers look like ... well, numbers. You want characters! Try converting the integer to a character before trying to do a string parse, e.g.: ymd.int - c(20050104, 20050105, 20050106, 20050107, 20050110, 20050111, 20050113, 20050114) ymd - as.Date(as.character(ymd.int),%Y%m%d) As far as

Re: [R] timeDate business day

2007-03-12 Thread Michael Toews
[1] 20050104 20050105 20050106 20050107 20050110 20050111 20050113 20050114 ymd - as.Date(as.character(ymd.int),%Y%m%d) ymd [1] 2005-01-04 2005-01-05 2005-01-06 2005-01-07 2005-01-10 [6] 2005-01-11 2005-01-13 2005-01-14 class(ymd) [1] Date While the variable ymd is actually of class

Re: [R] timeDate business day

2007-03-12 Thread Michael Toews
Sadly, I don't know of any tutorials or much help on the web for R ... that doesn't mean it doesn't exist ... you might just have to look around for it (www.rseek.org is a good place to start) I've learned almost everything I know through: ?strptime Also check out the methods for the classes,

[R] pdf device bounding box?

2007-03-09 Thread Michael Toews
I apologize if I don't fully understand your question, but the pdf device has a MediaBox, which is equivalent to the BoundingBox in EPS file. The PDFs from R are defined nicely using height/width dimensions, and work well with embedding in pdflatex, etc. For example:

[R] curve of density on histogram

2007-03-08 Thread Michael Toews
Your are so close ... you just need to specify that you want your histograms to show density, not percent. I've only edited one line of your script, the rest is good and plots nicely: histogram(~ resp | group, col=steelblue,type=density, __

[R] Using logarithmic y-axis (density) in a histogram

2007-03-08 Thread Michael Toews
You might also want to try density, since it can theoretically have non-zero bins, since it doesn't use bins. For example, take a Weibull distribution, which could look better with a log y-axis: x - rweibull(1000,1,5) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(density(x,from=0)) rug(x)

[R] plot(): I want to display dates on X-axis.

2007-03-07 Thread Michael Toews
e.g. dat [,1]dat[,2] [1,]300 20060101 [2,]257 20060102 [3,]320 20060103 [4,]311 20060104 [5,]297

[R] Named backreferences in replacement patterns

2007-03-07 Thread Michael Toews
How about turning them into a native date-time class, then re-formatting it. For example, say you have some American dates in a character vector: American.datechar - c(5/15/1976,2/15/1970,1/9/2006) # parse this: American.date - strptime(American.datechar,%m/%d/%Y) # reformat:

[R] alpha parameter in function rgb to specify color

2007-03-07 Thread Michael Toews
Part of the problem is that alpha is a new and undocumented feature (note to developers: add this info into the pdf and rgb documentation). It only works in PDFs (maybe on quartz on Macs?), so you need to write to a PDF file: pdf(out.pdf,version=1.4)

[R] exact matching of names in attr

2007-02-26 Thread Michael Toews
In R 2.5.0 (r40806), one of the change is to allow partial matching of name in the attr function. However, how can I tell if I have an exact match or not? For example, checking to see if an object has a name attribute, then giving it one if it doesn't: dat - data.frame(x=1:10,y=rnorm(10))

[R] looping

2007-02-26 Thread Michael Toews
Another way is to use an indexed list, which is far more tidier than your method. If you mean about 100 as in an irregular number, then a list is your friend (i.e., a ragged array, that can have sometimes 97 samples, sometime 105 samples, etc.). Similar to your example: dat -

[R] setting options in a list

2006-10-22 Thread Michael Toews
Hi, I have a question regarding setting options that use a list. There are none that I'm aware of in R-base, however, it can make sense for some custom situations. For example: options(myoptions=list(lwd=1,density=NULL,angle=45,col=green)) Getting values is simple: getOption(myoptions)$col

Re: [R] Log-scale in histogramm

2006-10-14 Thread Michael Toews
Log y-axis on histograms are conceptually wrong, but aren't a bad idea either. It is conceptually safer to show this using density. Consider an exponential distribution, which could look better with a log y-axis: x - rexp(1,.1) xd - density(x,from=0) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(xd)

[R] Object attributes in R

2006-10-11 Thread Michael Toews
Hi, I have questions about object attributes, and how they are handled when subsetted. My examples will use: tm - (1:10)/10 ds - (1:10)^2 attr(tm,units) - sec attr(ds,units) - cm dat - data.frame(tm=tm,ds=ds) attr(dat,id) - test1 When a primitive class object (numeric, character, etc.) is

[R] Documentation patch for 'match' and 'palette'

2006-09-28 Thread Michael Toews
Here is a patch to improve documentation for finding useful, yet newish, functions: 'findInterval' and 'colorRamp'. I think that it is worthwhile to mention these in the 'seealso' section of the similar 'match' and 'palette' documents. I had difficulty finding these functions at first, as they