

I am a total beginner with “R” and found a package “venn” to 
create a venn diagram. 

The problem is, I cannot create the vectors required for the diagram.

The manual say:
"R> venn(accession, libname, main = "All samples")
where accession was a vector containing the codes identifying 
the RNA sequences, and libname was a vector containing the codes 
identifying the tissue sample (library)."

The structure of my data is as follows:


R>   structure(list(cyto = c("A", “B”, “C”, “D”), nuc = c(“A”, “B”, “E”, “”),
chrom = c(“B”, “F”, “”, “”)),.Names = c("cyto", "Nuc", "chrom"))

accession should be "A", "B",.... and libname schould be "cyto", 
"nuc" and "chrom" as I understand it...

Could you help me?


Sorry, that might be a very simple question, but I am a total beginner 
as said before! The question has already been asked, but unfortunately 
there was no answer...


Thank you a lot,

Nina Hubner

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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