[R] New lmer: How to recode random effect ?

2007-01-23 Thread jerome lemaitre
Dear all, I ran the following model without any problem previously to the update of lme4: fm2<-lmer(data=NGud,family=poisson, seed~hab*seedtray +(1|site)+(1|site:hab)) I have 25 sites, 2 habitats ("hab") per site, 8 seedtrays per habitat (4 as control, and 4 as treatment), and

[R] Help on estimated variance in lme4

2006-09-06 Thread jerome lemaitre
Dear all, I get an error message when I run my model and I am not sure what to do about it. I try to determine what factors influence the survival of voles. I use a mixed-model because I have several voles per site (varying from 2 to 19 voles). Here is the model: ### fm5 <-lmer(data=cdrgsaou2, a

[R] Running glm in batch and exporting results (AIC) to HTML

2005-09-16 Thread jerome lemaitre
Dear all, I'm doing univariate Poisson regressions using the "glm" and "glm.fit" functions. I have 5 independent datasets and each dataset, has one response variable and more than 20 factors to test. Currently, I run one regression at a time and manually take notes of the results in excel to have