[R] How to simulate data from copulas?

2006-11-26 Thread rasti matus
Dears, I am writing sice having question about your R package copula. I am using this package to fit my data with some of the 22 copulas mentioned in Nelsen 1999. However, when trying random number generator I have got some difficulties. For example when I have familie number A13 where cupola

[R] NONPAR package question

2006-11-16 Thread rasti matus
Dears, I d like to know, whether the nonpar package still exists in R? That including function chisq.gof? Since I want to know whether my data were fitted well with the chosen distribution function? I use ks.test that works fine but function chisq.test does not work good it require more work...

[R] How to convert an existing package?

2006-11-03 Thread rasti matus
Dears, how could I convert an existing package to be able to modify it? Let s say, if I want to change the way how the results of the package are display (to see the oroginal code of the code). Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __